
Shocking research of a clinically proven study finally revealed:

This 2-Second Fix to Your Daily Routine Triggers the Elimination of Your Varicose Veins Forever!

If you suffer from itchy, heavy, throbbing varicose veins and have been told that you need surgery, or other pricey solutions to get rid of the bulging purple fire hoses that are screaming from beneath your skin, you’ve been LIED to.


The truth is there’s a proven, simple and shockingly affordable way to INSTANTLY shrink your veins back to their original size and have them return to their fully functional condition.

Right here and now you’ll see exactly what this 100% natural solution is and how it works.

The moment you start using this all-natural varicose vein defeating formula, which was given the seal of approval by Harvard scientists and other Ivy League researchers, you’ll see the difference! Plus, this has been proven effective for both varicose veins, as well as helping manage the onset of related, yet more severe symptoms, such as ulcers or even pulmonary embolisms.

You’ll never again have to agonize over another sleepless night, or toss and turn around in bed in unescapable discomfort. Or, you’ll never again have to curse yourself for being on your feet too long, which makes your legs throb with pain even more.

You’ll say “goodbye” to the shame and embarrassment of having to hide your unsightly legs under your pants even when it’s a hot and sunny day, that you should be enjoying at the pool or beach.

And as an incredible bonus, thanks to eliminating those weird tingling sensations and hot flashes, along with your pain and anxiety, you’ll soon be waking up each morning with newfound energy, mental alertness, and a joy for life that only comes for someone who’s eliminated all the anguish and worry caused by a life imprisoned by varicose veins.

Two Years Ago, My Wife and Her Four Sisters Each Suffered from Varicose Veins That Were so Severe They Made a Pact to End Their Misery and Embarrassment

Hi, I’m Rob Boyer. And this is the story of how varicose veins cost my wife and each of her sisters their self-esteem, their sanity and nearly their lives. But I was for damn sure not going to let that happen.

They took me into their family 25 years ago when I had nothing but a run-down car and just one suitcase filled with my life’s possessions.

They built me back up into the man I’ve become. But, now their suffering had become MY suffering.

It took every bit of two full years of relentless research and mortgaging my house to pay for it all but, I finally found a powerful, yet dead-simple fix that attacks varicose veins while smoothing out women’s (and men’s) legs to make them strong and attractive again.


And in my wife’s severe case my discovery even helped alleviate the blood clotting she was experiencing, which actually had her on a collision course with a pulmonary embolism that was soon about to wreck our lives.

Now is the time to make sure you have no distractions around while you’re seeing this message.

Put your cell phone on silent and pay close attention so you don’t miss the “magic little protein” that I’m about to share with you that will be the answer to your varicose vein worries.

The good news is that...

Your body is already producing this protein on its own. But, you definitely need more of it. And stronger, healthier versions of it. That’s what I have for you today.

I assure you that by the time you’re finished reading our story here, you’ll be filled with new confidence and certainty for your future because you’ll know that you’re never going to suffer from ugly, gnarled, bulging and embarrassing veins again.

You’ll once again be able to walk without pain and stay on your feet for as long as you’d like without experiencing heavy, tired or “dead legs” as a consequence. Plus, you’ll sleep through the night without discomfort and say goodbye to those bizarre tingles that always seem to come out of nowhere.

But, most importantly, you’ll be protecting yourself from the much larger issue that your varicose veins are merely just a symptom of. But, more on that in just a minute...

If you’ve felt embarrassed and uncomfortable by the thick, bulging veins protruding from your legs, then you’re not alone.

Have you ever experienced the transformation of an active lifestyle instantly morph you into a couch potato, with ankles swollen and purple, too painful to move? And if you’ve ever missed out on engaging and enjoying your life and other people because of it, then stick around, because I’m about to reveal the true cause of varicose veins.

And you’ll be happy to learn about the one major study revealing the root cause in the American Heart Association Journal, and the science-backed method to a real solution that will relieve your pain and assist in restoring your confidence.


It’s likely you may have been given bad information from trusted professionals or other sources online, quite frankly. I see it all too often. Trusted doctors and a plethora of things all found online are flat-out wrong!

What I’m about to reveal to you in this short educational presentation will help you finally make sense of your varicose veins. After this, you’ll know exactly what causes them and how to conquer them for good.

Does this sound familiar?

Your legs ache, burn and tingle, they feel heavy, restless and throbbing, pounding painfully with each pulse of blood? You can’t forget about your painful varicose veins, no matter how hard you try. You start to feel like everyone notices them ALL the time. It eats at your self-esteem.


All because a little protein begins to degenerate, usually after 50. It’s what causes the burning sensation, plus the swelling, bulging and sensitive veins. It’s the same little protein that can debilitate you with severe pain, as well as steal away your confidence and comfort in your own body.

This discovery by renowned scientists is going to transform your life just like it did for my mom and sisters... and my wife and her sisters. I’ve got 9 sisters, and when varicose veins became the norm for dinner table talks, I knew I had to do my own research and try to help.

Again, I’m Rob Boyer. And the reason you’re watching this is due to my relentless urge to help my younger sisters and protect them.

And because what I uncovered begins restoring this little protein in as little as 48 hours it would be cruel of me to keep this away from women with varicose veins plaguing their lives.

As a result of seeing my mom and sisters completely recover, I painstakingly sought out all the scientific material I could.

The most reputable institutions have significant evidence of a real solution, rather than expensive band-aids that don't permanently correct the real issue.

I’m going to reveal some of the best information right here in this presentation and you’ll hear from some of the multitudes of ladies who confidently show off their smooth legs again. In fact, they’ve completely rid their lives of the burning and painful varicose nightmare.


I understand if you’re feeling unsure about this and you have every right to be skeptical. I’ve seen far too many online articles and products falsely proclaiming a fix. You’ve maybe heard it somewhere already.

And no matter what you try, they’re still there. Stay tuned, you’re finally going to see the Ivy League studies revealing the truth. You can have your comfort and confidence back.

You can have your social life back, without pain or self-consciousness impeding your happiness without the band-aid solutions, diet changes, expensive specialists or surgeries. Discover how, right now.

Whether your varicose veins are just starting or, if you already have severe varicose veins it’s imperative you stay with us during this whole presentation, for the solution actually is as simple as a little protein degenerating inside your skin.

You see, varicose veins are a late-stage symptom of something far more sinister. And since therapies, surgeries and a host of other treatments don’t address this little protein they don’t fix what causes them.

If you think about it that’s like creating a compressor to continuously air up a punctured tire. It’s expensive, annoying and, at the end of the day, you still have a flat tire.

In order to correct varicose veins from the root cause, you must address this little protein. End of story. Any solution that fails to do this is not a permanent solution.

Due to groundbreaking research from Harvard’s Medical School, we now understand what causes varicose veins. The elasticity of your vein walls begins degenerating, slowly losing its ability to remain tight yet flexible. It all gets worse when the valves of your veins no longer function properly, and instead of allowing your blood to continue flowing throughout your body, it begins to pool up in your veins - because the valves are no longer pushing the blood forward.

And it is this pooling effect we see when your veins become engorged with blood that has nowhere to go. And that’s why you see veins that look like thick hoses just beneath the surface of your skin.

The truth is, the sinister breakdown of this little protein is much more severe than most realize. This is exactly why urgent action is extremely crucial if you ever want to walk without pain again.

Not to mention, more severe symptoms like ulcers and horrifying pulmonary embolisms that have a 25% chance of stopping your heart.

While it seems much more prevalent for women to be afflicted with varicose veins, if you’re a man, and you’re suffering, you need to see this presentation, too. Because you're about to learn how to finally get real, lasting relief from the nightmare you’ve been dealing with.


Pulmonary embolisms have a 25% chance of stopping your heart.


Not all instances of varicose veins need to end in surgery.


Regain your freedom and start showing off your legs again!

Whether you’re 18 or 80 or any age in between, with what I’m about to reveal you’ll now have the opportunity to walk without pain again. To stop varicose veins in their tracks and give this little protein exactly what it needs to repair and regain function.

You’ll feel radiant and youthful, you’ll feel upbeat, happy, and full of joy. There will be no more “try this and try that ineffective solution...” or horrifying “recommended” surgeries that can be of little-to-no assistance when it comes to restoring this special little protein and getting its function back to normal.

If you’re ready to eliminate varicose veins once and for all and you’re tired of the pain, discomfort and heaviness, then I made this presentation specifically for you.

So, you’ll never have to feel like an old man or woman. Because of the lifestyle challenges and changes associated with varicose veins it doesn’t have to be this way anymore.

Angie Laughlin from Missouri emailed us and said this...

“I was once again feeling the constant tingling from my varicose veins, and then I happened to come across Varicose 911 during another one of my desperate searches for help online.

I read the presentation and learned about the ingredients and money-back guarantee, and I immediately felt like it was a no-brainer.

If I hadn’t given your product a try, I’m positive I’d be in a lot of pain and discomfort, like my mother had always been before she passed away. But today, my legs are sexy, smooth, and tingle and pain-free.

I recommend this to my friends, my family, and anyone else I meet who has varicose veins because it absolutely works wonders for me.”

Trevor Hall from Idaho emailed us, too, and said...

“My wife's doctor recommended ambulatory phlebectomy. They wanted to pull her veins right out of her leg!

She felt the pain slowly fade, and then her veins really started getting smaller. I haven’t seen such beautiful legs on my wife in a decade.

I suggest the fellas out there get your product for their wives, too. You’ll reap more benefits than you think.

Two tremendously grateful people here. My wife feels beautiful again, and I feel like I have her back.”

Dusty Mayer in Ohio left us this wonderful email...

“I wore my favorite dress to dinner the other night, thanks to your product.

I thought I could never show my legs off again. This product is amazing, highly recommended.”

Now, back to my story...

When my wife and her sisters first noticed their little spider veins, they definitely weren’t happy about the way they looked, but they also didn’t seem too serious.

But, that all changed dramatically when those little spider veins began their transformation to an unusual pain and discomfort none of them had ever experienced before.


Over the course of a year or so, their misery began to multiply day by day. We’d sit around the living room, and I’d listen to them all commiserate about the agony they felt each day and night from the twinges, throbbing and even the increasing shooting pains they’d feel.

And of course, it goes without saying how embarrassed they each felt at the sight of their ever-growing gnarled, twisted vein on the back of their knees.

Each of the sisters admitted how much all of this was taking a toll on their relationships with friends and even their marriages. Each sister admitted the downright sadness, anxiety and depression they were feeling because of all this.


I knew first-hand how it was affecting my relationship with my wife, Carol.

Of course, I love her unconditionally but, both her physical and mental pain, combined with the lack of sleep she was now getting, was putting her in a lousy mood every day.

Carol was the very first to admit she was becoming extremely disinterested in spending any quality time with me, or anyone else.

As I said, I wasn’t going to let my wife and her sisters go on like this if there was absolutely anything I could do about it.

This is all that led me to my intense research to uncover the truth, literally by accident.

As I mentioned, I learned varicose veins are far more serious than they seem on the surface. And they’re a symptom of a much larger issue. And that’s why you must never dismiss them and get them repaired quickly.

The reality is it’s not normal to feel restless, heavy and itchy. And it’s certainly not normal to have bulging, clumping piles of veins protruding from your leg.

It’s also not normal to walk around in shame, covering your legs, fearing others may see them.

You may be surprised to know it’s far more common to develop ulcers and pulmonary embolisms than most people realize. And it all starts from those seemingly harmless spider veins.

“I felt hideous and had to hide my legs from my husband. I used to feel grossed out by my own legs, and I was acting strange, hiding from my husband when I changed.

So many shopping trips, family events, and gatherings where I was miserably in pain and not saying anything about it.

When I tried your formula and it started working, I really kept at it, excited for this to be over!

I finally regained my beautiful legs and don’t mind my hubby seeing and feeling them again. Thank you so much! :)”

Linda Miller, Tucson, Az

“I was put through the ringer with varicose veins, and you’re absolutely right. The surgeries and treatments don’t work, they always come back!

I’ve had my veins stripped, and my legs swelled up like balloons. Then the incisions got infected and as if it couldn’t get any worse, the veins came right back after going through months of misery.

I’ve wasted more than $10,000 treating these veins for years, and I thought it would be a cycle with no end in sight. I’ve had blood clots and a pulmonary embolism, too. The doctors said I was lucky to be alive. However, they really didn’t know what to do besides suggest I wear compression socks.

I left the hospital feeling like I was constantly on the verge of losing all hope. Varicose veins were most likely going to kill me, but all that is over now, thanks to your wonderful, life-changing product.”

Valerie Heras, Littleton, CO

Remember just a bit ago when I revealed this was from a little protein? That “little protein” is COLLAGEN.

It keeps the skin firm, and every year after 50, it begins to break down by 1% more each year, which causes the joints to break down and the skin to sag. As you get older, age-related collagen loss also keeps your vein walls from remaining strong. Without strong collagen, the veins are unprotected. They start wearing down.


Soon, it becomes more and more difficult for blood to flow. The blood can pool and fill up your veins causing your bulging varicose veins.

If things continue on their natural progression your veins can start clotting and at any time, a blood clot can break off and shoot right into your heart. If this happens? One in four people with a pulmonary embolism may die!

It’s why varicose veins are extremely serious. They’re not just an ugly cosmetic problem. And you’re not alone if you think you just need more collagen.

But, the answer isn’t as simple as just buying collagen supplements. In fact, most of those ingredients come from compromised sources containing harmful ingredients like cadmium.

In order to get your body back to producing its own collagen, a different approach is needed. You’ll need to supercharge the inside of the collagen itself to help the broken little protein.

I learned that ingredients like zinc, grape seed and bilberry all work together to replenish collagen from the inside out.


Zinc fights inflammation, relieves varicose vein itch and helps restore comfort.


And Grape Seed reactivates collagen biosynthesis, which helps start rebuilding the collagen from the inside out. Studies time and time again reveal the power of Grape Seed strengthening collagen.

I was shocked to learn collagen can become stronger than steel in tensile strength. Just imagine if you could have collagen as strong as steel protecting your vein walls! With collagen this strong, not only will your skin become smoother and tighter but, your veins will undoubtedly strengthen and allow your blood to flow predictably and continuously throughout your body.

When your blood is flowing and not pooling, your big, gnarly varicose veins will deflate, and your itchiness and tingles will fade, too. Along with the pain.

Studies like the one I’m sharing with you now, show that taking Grape Seed daily reduces pain, swelling and cramps — potentially in as little as a couple of weeks. What’s more this also increases blood flow, helps prevent blood clots, and even protects your collagen from being destroyed again in the future.

What would all this do for you? To shrink your discomfort? To finally walk without pain? Wear what you want without being ashamed and embarrassed? And sleep in total comfort again?

Keep in mind, this is a permanent solution unlike the surgeries and treatments doctors try to push on you to bandage the symptoms.


But, the good news was that I kept finding more powerful, all-natural ingredients that help assist in new collagen production. That’s why I added bilberry fruit to the formula. It’s been shown to boost collagen biosynthesis. Now, the body can rebuild the collagen even faster when combined with Grape Seed.

And that’s not all because while this combo works hard for you to strengthen your collagen even more it’s also been shown to stop varicose veins before they begin by erasing spider veins.

These two ingredients work as a team to bring varicose veins into submission and finally, they repair the issue right at the source.

These two ingredients alone would do that but, I wasn’t satisfied yet.

So, I added taurine and quercetin to provide extra support against inflammation and to further assist blood flow. These two all-natural wonders work together to fight heaviness, swelling and cramps.

I went through a lot of trouble sourcing these ingredients from only the purest and trusted sources. Then, I painstakingly searched for the right manufacturer and worked with reputable scientists who had the know-how to perfect my formula.

After months and months of grueling hours and labor I presented the first test batch to my wife and her sisters. I revealed to them that I had taken their conversations about their varicose veins to heart. And since they had all done so much for me over so many years, I had decided to take matters into my own hands.


I showed them the research and the ingredients and finally, I proudly handed my formula to them. “This could be the answer, it could work, if you just try it,” I said. With tears running down their faces, they thanked me and began taking the capsules every day. But, what happened next was totally unexpected.

They all started experiencing the same thing. The tingles slowly faded. Their swelling let up. And now they weren’t talking about their progress in secret anymore. They were telling everyone.

And of course, once the word got out that theirs was an all-natural solution to fighting varicose veins that actually worked soon I had to make sure we got a big enough batch together to supply the demand.

That batch was the first concoction of my formula — intended for someone other than my wife and her sisters. And we quickly sold out.

People were sharing our links, learning the truth and taking action. They were getting real results and spreading it farther than I had ever imagined. I didn’t stop hearing about the changes for months! They told everyone they knew. Because they were getting serious results such as:

- No more pain when walking

- No more hiding their legs in shame

- Or, the annoying ever-present tingle


We call it Varicose 911

I believe it’s the single greatest solution you can find, because quite simply, it works. From start to finish, it takes 3 full months to create a single batch. Our process is very thorough because I want everyone to get only the best ingredients, just like I would for my own family.

They are 100% safe but, we suggest you seek guidance from a physician if you have any bleeding-related conditions or other conditions that may cause you to worry.

Here’s how it works. Simply take 2 capsules per day with water for at least 2 to 3 months. Because the truth is, it will take time!


This is true of any natural solution that produces real results to last a lifetime. That’s why it’s important for you to commit to taking Varicose 911 for at least a full few months. And if you want to keep those bulging veins away, I recommend taking it even longer.

The regular price for Varicose 911 is $120 a bottle. This is a complete bargain if you take into consideration that we’re only using the purest ingredients from around the globe. But, since you’ve made the cut into our special VIP group today, you won’t pay $120 a bottle.

When you take action right now, you’ll get your hands on a full bottle of Varicose 911 in this special VIP offer for only $69.95! That’s a savings of over $50 off the regular price!

This formula doesn’t just conquer varicose veins by helping dramatically improve the collagen in your body.

It also helps strengthen your joints, rejuvenates your skin and helps fortify your heart. Most experts recommend 4 bottles of Varicose 911 for the best results.

But today only, you can get a 4-month supply for only $49.95 a bottle for as long as supplies last. Plus, we will cover the shipping — FREE! That’s a $9.95 value!

And if you’re worried about this investment in your health in any way, I don’t blame you at all. That’s why I’m going to offer you our 100% money-back guarantee for 90 days.

Try Varicose 911, and if you don’t get the results I promise you here today even if the entire bottle is empty, simply write me at the email address you receive your confirmation from after placing your order.


If for whatever reason Varicose 911 doesn’t work for you we’ll refund every last penny without a question asked. We’re so confident in our product, we’re willing to stand behind this guarantee 100%.

The truth is, we are so confident Varicose 911 will work for you, we are not only offering a full money-back guarantee, but we’ll give you $100 just for giving it an Honest Try!

And we know you’ll love it so much you’ll tell everyone you know. The fact is, more people deserve to know about this product. Heck, they NEED to know.

So, at this point, you have 2 choices. You can ignore this message and go with the risky traditional options recommended by doctors who don’t know any better. (Or who simply stand to profit from what they’re offering you… no matter whether it works or not).

You can continue in pain and discomfort. Or, you can try Varicose 911 risk-free, right now.

Choose your package below and click Buy Now. You’ll be glad you did. Choose the best package for you right now.


Conquer Varicose Veins For Good Without Surgeries & Treatments

Supports prevention of varicose veins

Helps diminish the risk of blood clots

Assists reduce leg swelling by up to 70%