Here’s the truth about Tinnitus:

Tinnitus has nothing to do with our ears. It’s actually a brain-dysfunction that specifically affects our Limbic System - where we feel emotion. In fact, it’s the added stress that our Tinnitus symptoms trigger that puts our Limbic System into a state of malfunction. Tinnitus is essentially the tiger we’re constantly running away from in our own minds (aka The Fight or Flight Response). It’s a vicious, nonstop, traumatic cycle… which can only get worse. (1)(2)(3)(4)

It’s this persistent stress response, or emotional reaction to Tinnitus, that forces “the phantom noise” to hold us prisoner. (1)(2)(3)(4)

Even worse, the effect Tinnitus has on our Limbic System tends to burn through essential nutrients that can make the symptoms of this condition louder, and more distracting. That’s the bad news...

The good news is, we can easily replenish these essential nutrients, and quiet the phantom noise Tinnitus creates. Watch how health activist Charlie Gaines dives down the political, and profit-seeking rabbit hole (that makes it virtually impossible to get relief from Tinnitus). Charlie reveals the 5 Stages for making Tinnitus, history. Discover how you can end your emotional war with Tinnitus… in the next 60 days… from the comfort of your own home. (5)(6)(7)(8)

Watch this free Tinnitus-quieting presentation now.

Charlie Gaines reveals how he went to war with the health industry to finally reveal this free Tinnitus-quieting information.