Medical Experts From All Over the World Are Calling This Prostate Management Formula
the Most
Revolutionary to Date
Regular men…just like you... have been using it to help
the size of their enlarged prostate symptoms... In LESS time!
Thanks to this nature-based breakthrough, even the worst cases are losing the constant urge to
In fact, many of our customers have reported finally being able to completely empty their
Which means they can sleep through the night again without constant late-night trips to the
What's even better about this new form of prostate management is that it's 100% nature-based.
This new discovery has been the subject of many
randomized, placebo-controlled studies with
promising results.
Not only have symptoms of enlarged prostates and BPH dropped by a whopping
According to health experts, it helps men get blood circulation back “down there.”
According to health experts, these rare ingredients help guys, especially men who are 50+, find relief from
their enlarged prostate symptoms.
Studies show that men who suffer from enlarged prostate symptoms (and especially those who
are treated for it)
often also experience sexual dysfunction...
Which affects passion, drive and creates problems in the bedroom...
And is why so many men today feel like less than a man.
My name is Ronnie Hoffman.
And if you're stuck with an enlarged prostate…
It’s one of those signs that says, “I’m getting old.”
But what if it isn’t a guarantee that your prostate has to keep
What if it’s possible to replenish the essential nutrients your prostate needs to remain
healthy…and small…as possible?
Pay close attention to what I'm about to tell you in this
Because in the next 6 minutes, I'm going to show you what this
nature-based, two-step prostate
management formula is...
As well as how it works and the science that backs it up...
And more importantly, how you can put it to use starting
So you can
go to sleep at
Without always waking up at all hours to barely empty your bladder...
So that your manliness is less restricted...
And so the chemical that helps with your manhood can hopefully flow through your body again.
But before I continue, I must mention...
That what you're about to discover is a tightly-kept secret.
You CAN FEEL like a man again.
So please, listen closely to what I'm about to say...
Because it may be the only way to help reduce inflammation...
The core reason WHY reduced “manliness” goes hand in hand with prostate problems...
Making your “special organ” even harder to use…pun intended.
The hope is to begin restoring your manhood and quality of life as you get older.
After all, this is a problem that’s known to continue worsening with age.
So, it’s not something you want to continue ignoring.
Likewise, if you’ve tried everything to help reduce the size of your growing prostate...
You’ll quickly discover why those things didn’t work...
And HOW these proven ingredients can likely give you the reprieve you’ve been looking for.
Again, my name is Ronnie Hoffman… I’m 59 years old…
And for the last three decades, I worked for a large scientific
research firm here in gorgeous
Six years ago was when I started experiencing symptoms of BPH (benign
prostate hyperplasia, the clinical
term for an enlarged prostate).
I didn't think it was all that serious...
Sure, I had to pee more often than usual... But so what?
What I didn't see coming was how such a small problem would escalate into the bane of my existence.
Next thing I knew, I was waking up 5, 6, even 7 times a night to go pee...ON A GOOD NIGHT.
I wasn't getting any sleep. I had no energy throughout the day.
Add that to my waking hours, and you have a nightmare!
Coworkers started getting used to me leaving my desk 10 times a day or more at
It was super embarrassing. Especially since our bathrooms are in the CENTER of our research
And because I was in the bathroom so much, I couldn't get my work done. And I'd miss deadlines and
important phone calls from our senior scientists.
But it gets worse...
This was taking a massive toll on my love life at home, too.
At the time, I had no idea this had anything to do with my enlarged prostate.
All I knew was up until now, I was an animal between the sheets... But next thing I knew...
I couldn't perform in the bedroom.
My wife started growing insecure…
Thinking I was no longer attracted to her.
Not performing in the sack led to many nights of us fighting...nights of her crying...
All because we were so on edge...
We had ZERO intimacy in our relationship.
With all this going on, and my BPH getting worse...
I became desperate for answers.
I finally went to my doctor and he told me having a large prostate was all a part of getting older.
Then he put me on medication to slow down my prostate growth.
After a few weeks of using this, I noticed some slight results...
I mean, I didn't have to pee as much as before...
And for a second there, I thought I had finally found a solution for my BPH.
That is, until I realized something about my body...
Before, I was struggling with intimacy...
But now, I didn’t feel like a man at all.
This BPH drug made me totally uninterested in having a healthy love life!
I told my doctor this was happening.
He shrugged his shoulders, told me it was a "common side effect that could
Like I had to choose between this prostate med that wasn't making that big of a difference...
Or my ability to become intimate with my wife again!
This wasn’t just a big deal...
It was a HUGE deal for me!
I didn’t want to live my life on pills that essentially ended my love life...
My passion for finding alternatives grew.
So I threw that medication into the trash. My love life will ALWAYS be more important.
Besides, it was good that I got rid of that medication...
Not only are drugs like this REQUIRED by the FDA to have a label saying it's linked to
an aggressive form of
prostate cancer...
Now, when you’re in your 20s...
Your prostate tends to be smaller and healthier... about the same size as a walnut.
But the older you get, the bigger your prostate grows...
In fact, by the age of 40, your prostate has grown to the size of an apricot...
And by the time you’re 60 years old, your prostate is the size of a lemon.
As you age, testosterone is increasingly converted to DHT (dihydrotestosterone), which
causes the
prostate to grow.
Remember: your prostate sits below your bladder and around your urethra.
So if it grows too big, it starts blocking the urethra...
Stopping urine from flowing through your urethra.
As a result, your bladder stays partially filled with urine…and it creates this constant feeling of needing
Because of your now larger prostate, you can only push out a little bit of urine at a time...
And you also experience a weak, dribbling stream of urine...
Not to mention all that pushing can make for a PAINFUL bathroom experience.
What I discovered next blew me away...
Harvard's doctors and scientists ALSO found a super crucial chemical…one your doctor has probably NEVER
mentioned to you before. It’s called cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate)...
Nitric oxide (NO) helps your body make and release cGMP...
And this chemical’s SOLE job is to help get fresh blood to all of your organs.
NO/cGMP production often decreases with age and in those with BPH...
But restoring it can help with your love life...
And bring you and your partner closer together...
Especially in the bedroom.
And according to a meta-analysis involving 42,489 men, most men who seek treatment for either
symptoms (BPH) or sexual dysfunction actually suffer from both!
There was only one way guys like me could beat BPH…and erectile dysfunction...
A two-step solution.
One that’s not only shown to help shrink your prostate back to its normal healthy size...
And help rid the blockage from your bladder and urethra...
But also help increase your production of cGMP in the most natural way possible...
So you can look forward to a healthier life in the bedroom again.
I'm talking about a combination of nature-based ingredients known to help manage prostate inflammation…and
many often-embarrassing symptoms.
Using these ingredients derived from nature to target the very core of prostate inflammation...
And the lack of blood circulation to your favorite organ...
By addressing the root cause of WHY swelling happens in the first place.
The best part is...
It’s possible to accomplish this without the risks associated with prescription drugs...
Or wasting hundreds or even thousands of dollars on supplements that don't work!
I grabbed several of my colleagues at work...
And together, we studied THOUSANDS of "superfoods," vitamins, nutrients and minerals.
We were on the verge of finding the world's most powerful ingredients to drop prostate size...
And restore prostate cells...
All with ingredients that worked in various ways at once.
Finally, we came up with the “Mother List” of the strongest ingredients we
could find... And I’ll share them
with you now...
So that you can start adding them to your diet right away.
The first ingredient is…
Stinging Nettle.
You can find this flowering plant all over the world.
And it's one of the most powerful prostate-influencing nutrients on the planet.
Stinging nettle has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, and it also increases nitric
oxide production…
...(By the way, that last one is the same mechanism of action as many popular ED
Which enhances blood flow to desired areas and increases cGMP so your performance in the bedroom can
And on top of that...
Stinging nettle inhibits 5α-reductase, the enzyme that causes your prostate to grow by turning
testosterone into prostate-enlarging DHT!!
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study...
Stinging Nettle was shown to reduce prostate symptoms by 50% when used on a regular
AND improved urinary tract symptoms linked to BPH by 81%! This study lasted 6 months with over 600
Then, there was another study...
Involving 100 men between the ages 40 and 80 years...
Where regular use of Stinging Nettle reduced symptoms of enlarged prostates by 93%!
Scientists no longer had any doubt and concluded that:
“In three clinical trials of BPH patients, nettle had a better impact in reducing patients’ clinical
symptoms than placebo. As a whole, nettle is recommended to be used more in treatment of BPH
patients...given its beneficial effects in reducing BPH patients’ symptoms and its safety in terms
its side effects.”
But get this...
Stinging Nettle is only ONE of the powerful ingredients in our solution...
The second ingredient is...
Saw Palmetto.
Saw palmetto is another plant that stops testosterone from being converted into DHT,
prostate growth.
It also helps stop the breakdown of that precious cGMP and increases blood flow for the man
Saw Palmetto is already used in many prostate supplements.
But people are often underwhelmed by the results they expect.
It’s because these other companies extract Saw Palmetto from roots and leaves.
It's much cheaper than using the ACTUAL fruit!
That’s a HUGE problem...
Because the only way to experience the powerful prostate-shrinking abilities of Saw Palmetto is from
Palmetto berries themselves.
For instance, in a 2013 clinical trial with 82 participants...
They used the FRUIT's extract for two months and saw a 53% reduction in
their enlarged prostates...along
with 40% increased intimacy.
A major study published in the Urology journal found that…
“...Significant improvements in the symptom score were noted. After treatment with saw
palmetto for 2 months…”
When taken for four months, BPH improvements increased by another
30%... Another six months
later, there was a 46% increase...
...all from taking Saw Palmetto FRUIT extract regularly!
Then, the prestigious journal "American Family Physician" published a review...
Two leading medical doctors concluded:
“Saw palmetto appears to have efficacy similar to that of medications like finasteride, but it
is better tolerated and less expensive.”
And it's super effective in “reducing symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia
Oh, and another thing...
When you combine Stinging Nettle and Saw Palmetto together...
Something unbelievable happens...
A study involving 431 men tested the power of these two ingredients.
At random, these men were either given the drug that made me impotent...
Or, they were given the combination of Stinging Nettle and Saw Palmetto...
After 24 weeks, the men with the Nettle-Palmetto combo saw a dramatic increase in the
force and ease
when urinating...
AND a significant reduction in prostate size and BPH symptoms with NO reported side
Soon your prostate won't stand a chance of getting in the way of your free-flowing urine and your
restful nights of sleep.
When you are reducing inflammation, blocking the conversion of testosterone to DHT and increasing
Adequate blood flow can be restored to all of your important organs and your prostate can stop
Now, I've just listed the two powerful ingredients of Stinging Nettle and Saw Palmetto
Fruit extract…
Both are shown to potentially help reduce the size of enlarged prostates...
Talk about a one-two punch!
These two ingredients, when combined, are shown to have an incredibly positive impact on your BPH
PLUS the next ingredients I’m about to share with you are found inside our breakthrough prostate
supplement that we have appropriately named:
Prostate 911
Prostate 911 has nature-based ingredients that are proven to help target prostate
inflammation at the root.
Otherwise, you'll be stuck using ineffective prostate supplements or drugs...
That can carry risky and potentially harmful side-effects to boot.
My team and I understood that without these eight powerful ingredients...
You’re likely to continue experiencing your enlarged prostate symptoms getting worse with each year that
We could've stopped after finding these first two life-changing ingredients... But no.
We wanted to create the ULTIMATE "formula..."
So we could GUARANTEE the best possible results for men...
And help them reclaim their manhood.
So we added ingredients like:
Zinc is one of the most well-known and medically-endorsed minerals for the prostate.
An adequate intake of Zinc may help reduce lower urinary tract symptoms associated with an
enlarged prostate.
A chronic Zinc deficiency could increase your chances of developing an enlarged prostate or BPH.
In fact, men with BPH have half the zinc levels in their prostate compared with healthy
Zinc seems to help regulate healthy cell growth in the prostate.
Next ingredient…
Pygeum africanum bark powder.
Pygeum is a tree. The bark is used as medicine.
Pygeum has been used in traditional medicines to help decrease symptoms of an enlarged
prostate (BPH).
It is also used for pain caused by inflammation, urinary problems, stomachache, fever and helping to
increase the desire for intimacy.
How does it work?
Well, Pygeum contains chemicals that help manage prostate
To assist in relieving urinary problems such as poor urine flow and
getting up a dozen times in the
middle of the night just to barely pee.
Broccoli Leaf Extract
Broccoli contains the phytochemical (phyto means “plant”) sulforaphane...which is suspected
help eliminate dead prostate cells, while your healthy prostate cells get to fight another
Broccoli Leaf Extract is a powerful help against BPH, prostatitis and urinary tract
Sulforaphane is a powerful compound provided in large quantities by cruciferous vegetables,
especially broccoli.
It has been studied extensively for its ability to help manage healthy cell growth,
especially in the
But our team recognized that to most people, eating an adequate amount of these cruciferous
each day seems impossible.
And that’s exactly why we included the right amount of Broccoli Leaf Extract needed in our formula.
But during my extensive research...
There were a few more “hero” ingredients I had to include in this formulation.
You see…
It can make an impact when the supplements you take are capable of managing your symptoms…by
addressing multiple known causes.
Next, we added L-Alanine.
This amino acid can naturally protect the prostate from enlargement.
But as we get older...
We lose the naturally-concentrated volume of L-Alanine...
Potentially allowing the prostate to grow out of control.
But by supplementing with L-Alanine…
It can help slow down prostate enlargement.
That made it an absolute must to include in Prostate 911.
But that’s certainly not all...
We also added Red Raspberry Fruit.
Yup, this common ingredient is shown to help squelch free radicals...
Which can trigger massive, chronic inflammation in the prostate.
In fact, Red Raspberry Fruit contains a unique class of antioxidants to help neutralize free
Called Anthocyanins.
And at 50 mg per therapeutic dose of Prostate 911...
You get the added protection of one of the most effective antioxidants available as a
Truth be told…
Prostate 911 contains well over a dozen powerful antioxidants…
To help neutralize free radical inflammation and damage.
Even better…
When you combine Zinc, Pygeum, Broccoli Leaf Extract, Red Raspberry and
Along with the Stinging Nettle, Saw Palmetto and the many additional nature-based,
all-star ingredients found in the Prostate Support formula...
You’re going to get even MORE POWERFUL prostate results...
AND support nearly every part of your body while finally being able to live the good life
But we've got some even better news...
This doesn't mean you have to swallow a ton of capsules every day...
And you don't have to spend a ton of money, either.
See… After personally experiencing the effects of these ingredients first-hand...
And seeing my own BPH symptoms being noticeably reduced sooner than I thought...
Helping me regain both my confidence and my vitality...
I realized my purpose was to help as many men as possible...
Manage their enlarged prostates and beat their blues away…
The most natural way possible. Just like I did...
So they could leave the embarrassment and discomfort behind...
And the humiliation of not being able to perform in the bathroom OR the bedroom.
My team and I realized if we wanted to REALLY help people...
We needed the fastest, easiest, most cost-effective way to provide the ingredients
found in Prostate as many men as possible.
So we locked ourselves in our lab...
And worked until we formulated the most powerful solution on the market...
A formula that maximized the anti-inflammatory effects of ALL the prostate-management ingredients
our research had discovered...
Every… Single… Ingredient.
Blended together into a tiny, easy-to-swallow capsule that anyone could take...
One that would help shrink enlarged prostates as quickly and effortlessly as naturally
Achieving this goal was far from easy...
Especially since we needed an exact dosage to maximize each of our ingredients...
While keeping the capsules small enough for anyone to consume.
Finally, after more than a year of working on formulations...
And countless dollars spent by our R&D department...
Prostate 911 was born.
Our number one priority was to help reduce the swelling
of the prostate as we age...
Not just mask the symptoms and put a band-aid on the problem.
We created a superior product that would target your enlarged prostate from the inside out...
This is why we used Saw Palmetto and Stinging Nettle as the main ingredients.
Stinging Nettle was shown to help reduce prostate symptoms by 50% when used on a regular basis...
AND helped improve urinary tract symptoms linked to BPH by 81%!
And remember…
When Saw Palmetto was administered to participants...
They used the FRUIT's extract for two months and saw a 53% reduction in their enlarged
Along with 40% increased desire in the bedroom.
We knew that Prostate 911 was different from anything else on the market...
Using known ingredients to help shrink your prostate on a biological level.
I couldn’t wait to get Prostate 911 out to our PhytAge Labs customers.
Putting this revolutionary formulation into supplement form really ate into our profits...
But we had the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of thousands of
So we had to take it.
And, I actually figured out a way for you to try Prostate 911...
And PAY LESS than you would for one of those useless prostate supplements that don’t
contain the right dosages
or sources of any of the premium ingredients found inside Prostate 911.
I’ll explain how we managed that in just a moment...
It’s part of the larger reason we’re spreading this news.
All of the people out there who are using “fake” prostate health supplements need to hear the truth...
About how to stop living a life of undeniably uncomfortable frustration.
Because the REAL benefit of Prostate Support isn’t just a normal-sized prostate...
It’s the ability to rebuild your relationships, connections, community and
your life… Things that have been
destroyed by all those terrible trips to the toilet.
If frequent, frustrating experiences with your bladder that keep you up at night have made you
snap at your
spouse, kids or coworkers...
If your enlarged prostate has stopped you from having a normal social life, being productive at work,
exercising, sleeping and caring for your health...
If having that feeling that you have to pee has all but put a stop to your desire for intimacy…or even your
ability to perform...
Then you know that your frustration is about much more than the physical pain and discomfort...
It’s about the relationships that fall by the wayside...
The hobbies that get left behind...
And the dreams that get put on the backburner.
That’s why we’ve made sure that our research participants could use Prostate 911 for rebuilding
With the people they love...but most importantly...with themselves.
When you’re overwhelmed by the feeling you need to pee all the time...
You start to feel pathetic and useless.
But I’m here to tell you that your enlarged prostate is not who you are...
After all, by our age...
Almost every man is going through the same frustrations as you are.
With Prostate 911, you can leave those negative feelings behind...
Free yourself and take back control of your happiness.
Can you imagine what it will feel like to:
Get out of bed each morning and easily fully empty your bladder?
Finally feel strong and capable again?
Never have to worry that your coworkers are picking up your slack...or that your kids can’t trust you with the grandchildren because you’re always running off to the bathroom?
I can tell you that it will probably feel pretty fantastic...
To be confident in yourself again.
With the power that Prostate 911 can put back in your hands...
We knew we had to price it in a way that would make it accessible for as many people as possible.
It’s pretty hard to put a price on your sanity and your most valuable relationships, after all.
If you were buying these ingredients separately... You’d be paying around $225 for a 30-day
If you were buying these ingredients separately... You’d be paying around $225 for a 30-day
However...I was determined to keep
the prices low.
So we’re cutting into our own profits to give you the lowest price possible...
And we’re happy to do it because we know what a life changer this will be.
You see, Prostate 911 is completely different from the ineffective, low-quality prostate products that
don’t produce the results they promise you...
You’re likely already bombarded by advertisements for these “fake” supplements in magazines and on TV, and
you’ll find them all over the internet and on the shelves of health food stores.
Those big companies get BIG price breaks to crank out millions of bottles with low-quality ingredients that
And Prostate 911 is different from any other so-called “prostate shrinkers” on the market today, as they are
missing most of the rigorously-tested ingredients found in our formulation.
We do the complete opposite here at PhytAge Labs ...
We use cutting-edge research and then we circle the globe to find the very best ingredients in the purest
formulations for our health-restoring products...
And our products are based on science, NOT the latest health fads.
They are formulated according to stringent Good Manufacturing
Practices (GMP) as
defined by the FDA. And they’re tested for maximum purity and potency.
The regular price for Prostate 911 is $120.00 per bottle...
Which is a complete bargain if you take into consideration that we ONLY use the purest and cutting-edge
formulations found anywhere on the globe...
Which we then ship to our independent lab and formulate each and every bottle using the most advanced
known to man...
And then these small quantities are shipped directly to your door.
Prostate 911 is NOT available in any store.
Here’s another thing...
If you tried to get your hands on all the ingredients in a single serving of Prostate 911 separately, you’d
well over $120...
But since you’ve made the cut into our special VIP Group...
You Won’t Pay $120.00
You Won’t Even Pay $99.95
Not Even $79.95
Nope, you don’t pay any of those prices…
When You Take Action Right Now, You’ll Get Your Hands On A Full
Bottle Of Prostate 911 In This Special VIP Offer…
For ONLY $69.95...
That is NOT a misprint.
That's a savings of over $50 off the regular price and comes to only $1.17 per pill!
That's a savings of over $50 off the regular
price and comes to only $1.17 per pill!
That's less than one-quarter the price of the competition for the top-rated prostate health
booster available in
the world. And it’s the lowest price you’ll find for Prostate 911 anywhere.
Do you think that better urine flow and fewer urgent trips to the bathroom (only to realize that hardly
is coming out again)...
Improved work performance and maintaining your relationships and favorite hobbies (not to mention your
Are they worth a couple of bucks per day?
Yes, we think it’s totally worth it, too!
And To Get All These Benefits For LESS Money?
Yes, if you act right away and reserve Four Bottles of Prostate 911, you'll have a spot in our
Labs Private Test Group...
Which entitles you to our VIP Pricing...
At only $49.95 Per Bottle!
That's more than ½ OFF...
A SAVINGS of over $70 per bottle and just 83 cents per pill!
PLUS, as long as supplies last, you'll get free shipping if you live in the U.S.!
Why would I ask for such a drastic price discount for you?
The answer is actually simple...
In our pursuit to push the boundaries of our research, we need people to share their real, live
with us...-
Specifically, the benefits that you’ll begin to notice when you’ve been using Prostate
911 for 30 Days
or MORE.
Specifically, the benefits that you’ll begin to notice when you’ve been using Prostate 911 for 30
or MORE.
And our team of scientists will have a growing body of evidence to show the long-term properties of
amazing product!
Think About It…
For what we’ve shown you, we’re more than justified at pricing Prostate 911 at $120 per
You’d pay a heck of a lot more to visit a doctor to diagnose or treat some of your ailments, right?
In fact, you won’t be surprised to hear that many of our customers told us they would have been happy to pay
“pretty much any price” if we could make their prostate problems go away…
But guess what?
Now for much less than the cost of your daily Starbucks “fix,” you can use the life-enhancing,
prostate-shrinking secret of health-conscious ‘people-in-the-know’...
The high concentrations of active ingredients are found only in Prostate 911.
What Will You Feel Like 4 to 6 Weeks From Now?
You’ll FEEL the difference, guaranteed!
You’ll feel RELIEF.
When you start taking Prostate 911 daily, you’ll soon see and be convinced that this is a
MUST-HAVE formula
for frustration-free living!
You know that life is short, and before you know it, four weeks will come and go whether you like it or
But in 4 weeks' time, you could either have begun to experience the prostate results you so desperately
Physically as well as mentally, plus revamped your overall well-being...
Or you could have the same debilitating daily existence that you have today.
So by now, I’m sure you’re primed and ready to experience the health and energy-rejuvenating power of
Prostate 911.
But we’re going to make you a deal you can’t pass up...
You don’t even have to make that decision now... In fact...
We’re so totally confident that Prostate 911 is going to assist in shrinking your prostate, help you pee
normally and help boost your love life and happiness while changing your life for the better...
And it DOES get better...
That we’re going to let you TRY Prostate 911 for a FULL 3 MONTHS (90 days). And if for ANY REASON
you’re not fully delighted with the results...simply contact us...
For a Full Refund...
Try it for yourself and SEE! Guaranteed to work – or you PAY NOTHING!
I want this decision to be as easy for you as possible, so I’m going to take on all of the risk
Today, you will receive...
Our 90-day, no questions asked, 100% money-back guarantee...
When you try Prostate 911 right now.
It either works...
Or you get all your money back.
No questions asked.
That’s right.
We’ll send you your supply right now, and if at any time over the next 90 days you decide it’s
just not
working for you, just contact us for a FULL REFUND…
That’s a 100% Money-Back Guarantee!
We can’t make this deal much better than that, don’t you agree?
Have We Gone Insane?
Maybe we have lost it a little, but we want to get our ground-breaking Prostate 911 into as many VIP hands
as we
can before we run out of inventory...
We’re 100% convinced of the power of our prostate formula, and we’re willing to stick our necks
out there and
take on ALL the risk...
Have you ever seen anyone else stand behind their offer like this?
We want you to experience the effects of our proprietary prostate health-rejuvenating formula for
And wake up to a body that feels youthful, energized, ready to urinate freely and ready to take on the
And if you don’t?
We’ll simply give you your money back.
We have a hunch that Prostate 911 is the one thing you’re missing right now, even if you’re using some other
combination of supplements, powders or “special drinks.”
But You Won’t KNOW If You Don’t TRY It...
Plus, we’re going to do something absolutely crazy...
Not only will you get all your money back, but we’ll also give you an additional $100 just for
giving it an
honest try! (No joke.)
I know it sounds like we’ve lost our minds, but we’re not kidding around.
If you’re not happy with it...for any reason at all...
We’ll give you every single penny back...
PLUS another $100...
Even if you use the entire bottle.
That’s how important it is to us that you try this formula that can change your life.
That’s how confident we are that our solution works.
And you should feel confident, too, because...
Prostate 911 goes under some of the most rigorous testing in the
PhytAge Labs is trusted by 800,000 customers around the globe, and we
a reputation for being
obsessive when it comes to quality control and testing.
Each of our products is made in a Good Manufacturing Practices
has been certified by GMP
for quality and sanitation and is regularly checked for potency by the FDA.
While some other companies may take the cheaper route and skimp on
control, we wouldn’t even
think about it.
PhytAge Labs guarantees quality control because we operate by
regulations that are more strict than
those of the government.
In our latest inspection by the FDA, we passed without a single
This is almost unheard of.
Even in corporate facilities, with billions of dollars behind them, there is at least one issue during an FDA
A leaky faucet…a dirty floor... something.
But the FDA didn’t have any complaints about our facility.
But honestly, even that isn’t enough to satisfy us. We make sure that every ingredient we source is tested
thoroughly before use.
This way, we ensure that every part of Prostate 911 is of absolute quality so you never
have to wonder.
We believe it’s extremely important to make sure that each bottle of Prostate 911 has
exactly what it says on
the label.
No more. No less.
It’s standard for us to dip into our own profits to ensure the quality of every bottle.
Sure, we may not make as much money as we could…but we know that you’ll be a customer for life.
That’s how confident we are in Prostate 911.
Your journey towards living worry-free can start today.
Click the “Add to Cart” button below.
That’s all you have to do to fight back against all the trouble your enlarged prostate has been
giving you.
I must let you know that our supplies of Prostate 911 are running low.
That’s why we were very selective about whom we wanted to share this presentation with.
This online presentation is the only place you can order it from...
And once we run out…. That’s it.
You can stock up now though to ensure that you stay on the path of shrinking your prostate so you
never have to worry about standing over the toilet with your pee only trickling out.
If the “Add to Cart” button is still showing up on this page...
That means we still have some left in stock...
And the deep discount is still available.
It won’t last long though, so claim your bottles now...
By clicking the “Add To Cart” button right now.
Add to Cart
Don’t miss out because once you start taking Prostate 911, you’ll wish you could have
started it sooner.
I’ve already explained the research from top scientists about how it works to help support a healthy prostate
you age.
Now...the only question left to answer is, are you ready to be able to:
Feel the hope and self-worth that you’ve been missing from your life…all because of your troubles peeing…
and how much unrest it causes you?
Pee like you used to…the way you should?
Get more uninterrupted sleep?
Be more productive at work?
Have the capacity to strengthen relationships with your friends and family?
Live your dreams?
Imagine what the future holds...
The endless possibilities that come with health and NORMALCY...
You’ve heard others’ experiences, and you’ve seen the scientific evidence...
Now it’s time to try Prostate 911 with absolutely no risk.
All you need to do is take control of your health and your life by trying Prostate 911 for
Click the “Add To Cart” button below, and place your order before our shelves run dry.
Don’t miss your chance to reclaim your manhood.
An enlarged prostate can actually lead to long-term complications if not taken care of.
If left unmanaged, the discomfort is going to get worse… Sleepless nights… All-day (and all-night) discomfort
and constant irritability...
This will likely take over your life if you don’t do something about it now.
Just take a moment to visualize yourself completely free of the frustration,
discomfort and pain you’re suffering from.
What would you do?
Where would you go?
How would you feel about yourself?
Who would you spend time with?
Perhaps you would finally pick up all those hobbies you were always interested in...
Maybe you would call up your friends and ask them to go on a long hike...
Or enjoy your time at the movies again without feeling like you need to run to the men’s room during the best
How would it make you feel to never have to worry about these issues again?
Well...that’s why I created Prostate 911...
To make that feeling a reality...
To give you the life you’ve been missing out on.
So please, do yourself a favor and click on the “Add To Cart” button below to claim your supply before we run
It’s the easiest choice you can make today…and one that will make the biggest difference in your life
I’ve done all the research for you.
I’ve made sure each ingredient exceeds government quality standards...
I’ve offered a completely risk-free, money-back guarantee...
Plus $100 on top of your money back if I’m wrong about all this...
But I won’t be.
All you need to do is click the “Add to Cart” button to confidently try Prostate 911 for
Look, if you’re still here…that means two things...
1. You understand just how important prostate health is to your happiness.
2. You have a few questions.
It’s completely fine to have questions… In fact, I’m glad that you do…because I want you to feel completely
confident before claiming your supply of Prostate 911.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions we receive:
Q: How do I know Prostate 911 will work for me?
A:Prostate 911 contains Stinging Nettle which is shown to help reduce
symptoms of enlarged prostates by 93%!
And the Saw Palmetto fruit extract has been credited with a 53% reduction in men’s enlarged
Along with 40% increased desire in the bedroom!
It’s nothing you did wrong. It’s nothing you ate…or didn’t eat.
There is almost no man that escapes an enlarged prostate as he gets older.
But when you combine Zinc, Pygeum and Broccoli Leaf Extract with the Stinging Nettle...
In addition to Saw Palmetto and the rest of the nature-based all-star ingredients found in the
911 formula...
You’ll be winning.
Remember, these ingredients are backed by research from top universities as well as thousands of
who have used them and had great results.
And I have personally seen hundreds of research participants and friends benefit from these key
Remember, there is a 100%, 90-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee PLUS $100…so there is no
to you.
Q: How many bottles should I order?
A:We recommend ordering the largest amount possible to get the most
Plus, with limited supplies, ordering more will ensure that you don’t miss out if we’re out of
Prostate 911 has a shelf life of 2 years, so you don’t have to worry about it going bad if you claim
multiple bottles.
Q: Is Prostate 911 safe?
A: I’ve already shared all the safety standards that we abide by when
manufacturing Prostate 911.
We go to great lengths to make sure that what you see on the label is exactly what you get.
Each ingredient in our solution is tested for purity to ensure there are no additives or toxins.
We always recommend that you talk to your doctor before taking Prostate 911.
Q: Is Prostate 911 a replacement for any kind of medicine?
A:No. Prostate 911 helps support your prostate health in a variety of ways,
but it does not treat any disease and should not be used to replace any medication you may be on.
If you are currently on a treatment plan under your doctor’s care, do not stop that treatment plan
without discussing it with your doctor first.
Use Prostate 911 to support a healthy prostate, but always discuss any health issue and possible
treatments with your doctor.