“No… I Don’t Gotta Go!”

How this 1994 action flick helped SHRINK my prostate faster than a speeding bus.

Sandra Bullock is white-knuckling it through traffic and CANNOT stop. Her mission? Keep the bus going faster than 60 miles an hour. If it slows down before Keanu Reeves can disarm the explosive contraption. Two otherwise "innocent" chemicals would start to mix and within seconds, create an unstoppable, explosive chain reaction.

I'll never forget the scene because it's a clear example of how something may appear perfectly harmless on the surface. But with just ONE slight shift, it transforms into something else entirely.

So what in the world does this have to do with your prostate?

Well, everything. Right now in the human body for 50% of men over 50 and 90% of men over 80 scientists have uncovered a microscopic chemical that gets blocked in the bladder from an enlarged prostate.


So instead of an explosive chain reaction that propels this chemical through the penis revitalizing it with a SURGE of sexual energy you end up with “old man” symptoms like:

  • close Getting up to pee 2, 3, 4, or more times a night.
  • close Dribbling and leaving stains on underwear or bedsheets.
  • close Urgency that comes out of nowhere and happens EVERYWHERE.
  • close And of course, a real struggle to perform in bed, placing an ever-expanding wedge between you and your partner.

But here's the truth: there's an easy way out of this mess.

Because if you're frustrated, annoyed, and sick of symptoms that come with an enlarged prostate. I know from personal experience exactly how desperate you get to find a permanent solution. And if I came across a presentation that gave me such an EASY FIX I could do at home for pennies. One that would’ve saved me years of feeling like I was alone with my problems. And eliminate the nagging feeling I was a failure to myself, my kids, my wife I’d immediately think “YEAH RIGHT” and flip the channel.

Because I’d tried everything INCLUDING doctor-prescribed Proscar to shrink my prostate — which it did. However, I don’t even think it was worth it after the side effects left me nearly impotent. So the idea I could just shrink my prostate and my sex life would come “roaring” back was a huge sham. Honestly, it’s no wonder so many men end up on cocktails of pills just to battle the side effects, like a friend of mine recently told me about his father’s experience with Big Medicine.

This was a guy who NEVER took pills in his life. He had a healthy diet, exercised every day since his 25th birthday, ate like a darn rabbit and was NEVER more than 5 pounds overweight. And even still, at 87, over the last three years, he’s gone from taking ZERO medication and being a “model” of good health to taking handfuls of pills daily.


Pills for his prostate. Pills for his bladder. Pills to help him get to sleep. There’s a pill for his blood pressure and since the side effects of a few of these are anxiety and restlessness. He also got prescribed morphine pills a few times a day, plus of course, a mood-stabilizer pill so he can stay relaxed while his body crumbles around him. It doesn’t make sense to me that every one of these pills treats something different yet NONE of them help the REAL CAUSE in the first place!

But now that I’ve turned a corner myself and feel like a completely new person I can’t go another day without sharing what I’ve discovered with men like you. And good thing I didn’t settle for what my doctor told me because I get thank you notes daily from men who had all but given up before coming across this presentation.


Like Gregory here from New York City, who says, “Before Prostate 911, I was down in the dumps. I spent most of my nights awake, restlessly waiting for the next time that I had to use the restroom. These kinds of nights were all too common, which ultimately led to me having zero energy the next day at the office. However, after faithfully using Prostate 911, I feel like a new man. I’m sleeping through each night and ready to get my workdays started even before the young interns in my office!”


And Michael from Pennsylvania adds, “I haven’t talked about this much until now, but a few years ago I began barely sleeping through each night due to having to use the bathroom seemingly every hour. Getting a good night’s sleep seemed impossible. My daughter would stay around while I spent time with my grandchildren just in case I didn’t have the energy to play with them. I felt helpless. Then I found Prostate 911! My grandchildren will now get the best version of me. I highly recommend Prostate 911.”


And Tom from Southern California adds, “About a year ago, I started to feel different than I had ever felt before. My self-esteem was gone, my energy was low, and my wife Ida started to notice it in the bedroom, too. She encouraged me to get help after seeing how this was affecting my entire life. I tried a few failed products but then I came across Prostate 911. I quickly began feeling like I was getting my ‘pizzazz’ back, and my wife now gets the man she fell in love with many years ago. Thank you, Prostate 911!”

Do you see the common denominator here? They're finally ALL free from symptoms including fatigue, low moods, loss of drive or any sort of “get up and go” and the inability to perform sexually or just feel like a man.

So please pay close attention.

And if you think you’ve heard everything — I get it. Being skeptical is the least I would expect, given there are HUGE celebrity-backed, deep-pocketed companies that will go out of their way to create even MORE DOUBT and CONFUSION about your options.

So I may speak a bit more direct than others. Because I want you to know the truth and leave this presentation with a plan of action to fix the root cause of this embarrassing and humiliating condition...

So please, listen closely to what I’m about to say...
