UNC School of Medicine: This Is Why You Can’t Get Rid Of Your Nerve Pain
[Until Now]


Read the shocking research by top scientists that finally brings relief back to thousands of Americans who suffer from numbness, burning, stinging, tingling and other horrible sensations.

Continue reading below to discover whether you have the specific signs of Neuropathy that can now be overcome by this 7-second solution.
WHY does it seem like everyone else can just go about their days living carefree?
  • They’re all meeting up at the pool.

  • Going for a walk or a hike.

  • Tennis. Golf. Shopping. Gardening.

  • Rolling around on the grass with their grandkids.

  • Going out for dinner and dancing.

  • Even just sitting and watching a ballgame together with food and drinks.

  • Whatever normal people do.

Hey, you’re a good person, right? You love God.

But for reasons out of your control, you’ve been chosen to live with Nerve Pain.

Maybe it’s because God thinks you can handle it. But we both know you don’t want to handle it. You want to live pain-free and care-free just like everybody else. You want to be out doing your favorite activities with friends and loved ones.

My friend, today is the day you’ll be able to stop asking WHY!

Today, RIGHT NOW you’re going to learn HOW to finally end your frustrations and overcome your battles with Neuropathy.

Let’s get started with a story that does a perfect job of explaining exactly what you’re going through...

And more importantly how to fix it!

So, check out this group of scientists at the UNC School of Medicine huddled around the microscope…

Their hearts beating out of their chests in excitement. Just moments ago, they were performing another routine experiment… But before they knew it…

That routine experiment turned into what could be one of the greatest pain-relief discoveries of our time.

So what happened? Together, they looked closely into the microscope, their fists clenched…

And then, with their own eyes… They saw it. A group of rogue mutating cells in a neuropathic pain model CHOMPING away at the nerves… Causing them to break, crumble and degenerate.

Now, for the first time ever… This “health breakthrough of the century” is being revealed to the general public…

And if you wake up every morning feeling old before your time… Stuck on the sidelines as life passes you by…

Remembering what life used to look like before the pain and discomfort…

With little hope that you’ll ever be the healthy, energetic and carefree person you used to be again… Let alone be able to accomplish even simple tasks like walking up and down the stairs…

Then you’re going to want to pay close attention to the information you’re about to read. Because as scary as it might seem…

This UNC breakthrough has now made it possible to help restore your degenerating nerves back to their original state…

By simply tapping into a 7-second nerve “reset switch” in the body…

One that may have the power to quickly transform all the cracking and degeneration inside your nerves…

Into strong, sturdy and healthy nerves once again…

Allowing you to get back to doing the things you LOVE without discomfort…

And with the light, carefree movements of a person half your age.

Which is why I’m so THRILLED you found your way to life-changing information today.

Because this simple, safe and nature-based 7-second nerve “reset switch…”

Is already helping Thousands of seniors feel better and even Younger than they have in years.

Including Patti who writes...

“Since using this, I have NOT had any of the pain that I have been experiencing for 40+ years.”

Or 86-year-old Gisela Ray who writes...

“Already I have feeling back in my fingertips… But my feet are my miracle so far. After all these years I feel my toes again, and when I get up at night I can feel the carpet under my feet.”

And Audley Harris wrote in saying...

“Never expected this to work as it did. I am now 99% pain-free in my feet. I can now drive in comfort without any pain and burning sensation.”

I still get goosebumps when I read these. And those are just a few of my personal favorites.

Hi, my name is Alan Parker.

And as someone who’s suffered from debilitating neuropathy in my feet and legs for almost 15 years...
Robbing me of everything that brought me joy in life...
I can confidently say I know firsthand what it’s like to be sick and tired of so-called “solutions…”
Solutions that do nothing more than make you feel like a medicated zombie at best.
This is why I need to set the record straight here...
What I’m about to reveal to you is NOTHING like what you’ve tried, seen or even heard before.

It has nothing to do with medications… painkillers… surgery… injections… useless supplements or anything of the sort.

And it’s not something that magically appeared out of thin air either.

It’s backed by dozens of clinically-proven scientific studies from places like Harvard, Johns Hopkins, the UNC School of Medicine and Northwestern.

That’s why it’s SO important that you pay close attention to this short video while you have the chance...

Because as I said before...

I know EXACTLY the kind of torment this condition causes.

I’ve seen how it changes people, making them a shell of the person they once were...

Forced to watch life go by as they sit trapped inside their body...

With no one who understands what they’re going through...

Where all the pain and discomfort becomes so unbearable that you’d do anything to get rid of it.

That’s why I’m so relieved that you’ve found your way to this opportunity.

Because you were meant to be here today.


And no matter how much you’re struggling or feel like there’s no hope...

I believe there’s a REAL answer that can promote healing and soothe your pain and discomfort long term.

Something so shockingly effective...

That it could truly change your life within as little as the next week...

Allowing you to quickly find yourself able to do the things you once LOVED but were unable to because of the pain...

Like hiking your favorite trail… Dancing with your favorite person… Going on trips and traveling to exotic places that you’ve only dreamed of seeing...

Or simply feeling at PEACE for the first time in years… As you enjoy spending quality time with your kids or grandkids.

That’s what’s waiting for you inside as you read on.

And it truly doesn’t matter where your neuropathy came from...

Whether it was from a previous medical condition, an injury or something else completely.

And it doesn’t matter if the numbness, tingling, stinging, burning and itching...

Is in your feet, hands, legs or ANYWHERE else in your body.

No matter how unique and unlikely you think YOUR neuropathy is from experiencing relief...

I swear that by just watching this short video...

You’re going to look back and thank God you did.

I can say that, as someone who used to cringe at the thought of another so-called “solution” that only left me feeling more frustrated.

So please pay close attention for the next few minutes and I’ll make it unmistakably clear for you.

I’ll tell you how the REAL culprit behind your neuropathy has been hiding in plain sight this entire time... eating away at your nerve endings and causing the “nerve rot” I mentioned earlier...

And I’ll explain how this 7-second nerve “reset switch” can speed up the regeneration of your damaged nerves, relieving all the discomfort...

Something that’s already helping THOUSANDS of seniors take back their lives faster than they ever thought possible.

And how most neuropathic medications like gabapentin, duloxetine, pregabalin, and others were initially NOT even intended to treat neuropathy...

Which is why it’s NO WONDER they never seem to work in the first place.

You’ll also hear about how a bizarre “limb-regenerating” molecule that allows salamanders to regrow their limbs could hold the key to long-term pain relief...


Along with the #1 nerve-destroying compound that’s causing your nerves to virtually crumble away – something even your doctors don’t have a clue about.

All of these answers are about to be revealed to you in this groundbreaking information.

So put away any distractions...

Silence your phone...

And pay very close attention to this video for the next couple of minutes.

Because we’re getting started in 5… 4… 3… 2…1…

As I said earlier, my name is Alan Parker.

And before I reveal the discovery that completely transformed my life… I’d like to briefly explain a bit more about who I am.

Because as someone who’s personally suffered from neuropathy for the past 15 years...

Where the pain got so bad that I was unable to work and barely able to walk…

And after countless doctor visits and neurologists who didn’t know how to help me or just didn’t care...


Along with numerous blood tests, epilepsy tests, MRIs, spinal taps...

And a never-ending laundry list of failed medications and opioids that left me feeling like a lifeless zombie...

I can confidently say that I was not willing to give up without a fight.

Because giving up didn’t only mean I’d have to live with the pain and just manage as my doctors said – it would mean NOT living.

Because life with debilitating neuropathy is no life at all.

And I’m SURE you can relate.

So for the past five or so years…

I dedicated my time at home, unable to do much of anything, to research. Hours and hours of it. Constant trial and error, looking for an answer to why nobody could help me... Why there were no solutions... And if there was even a sliver of hope that something out there could give me my old life back.

I didn’t care how many people told me it was all in my head or there was nothing that could be done.

They didn’t understand, and I don’t blame them.

But I was too damn stubborn to stop trying.

So I said to hell with all the doctors, neurologists, and every so-called “expert” out there...

And devoted my time to becoming an expert myself... Knowing there HAD to be a solution that actually worked.

But at first, it was a living nightmare.

For YEARS I tried different remedies and methods that promised to get rid of the pain and discomfort...

And not a single thing worked as promised.

No matter how much I studied or how many late nights I stayed up searching...

There seemed to be NO ANSWER.

I started thinking I'd just have to resign myself to living this way forever. Even though I knew this was no way to live. I was at my wits’ end. About to give up ALL hope...

Until I met 62-year-old Judy on a neuropathy forum.

She was a wife and a mother who went from running a successful business for more than 30 years… Walking 5 miles a day… And dancing with her husband almost every night...


To being told by her doctor that she may never walk again because of her neuropathy.

Judy’s pain had gotten so bad that she could barely sleep at night...

She’d had to end her career five years sooner than she’d wanted to...

She ended up on painkillers which created a whole slew of other problems for her...

She had two nervous breakdowns...

And eventually, just like her doctor had said...

She found herself in a wheelchair, unable to even walk into a store because the pain was so unbearable.

Horrible, right? Hearing Judy tell her story broke my heart.

And at that moment, I made a pledge to myself… That I was going to do WHATEVER it took to help people like Judy and me.

Now let me tell you upfront, it was NOT easy. Especially considering I had no medical background of any kind.

But as I began to dig deeper and deeper into the research... I discovered a shocking truth.

A solution HAD been discovered...

But nobody was talking about it.

Perhaps it was being “hushed up” by Big Pharma.

I can't really say for sure.

All I know is that NOBODY'S talking about it. Even to this day.

But I can truly attest that it changed EVERYTHING for me.

And now you're about to see it for yourself.

It all started with a breakthrough study out of the UNC School of Medicine...

And it completely contradicted EVERYTHING I thought I knew about neuropathy.

According to top scientists... We’ve been looking in the wrong place this ENTIRE time... When the REAL culprit of neuropathy has been hiding in plain sight… And believe it or not, it has almost nothing to do with what you’ve been told in the past.

Go figure, right? So what is the real culprit? Well, these scientists used a new breakthrough technology...

One that finally allowed them to look at thousands of cells at once in an effort to see which ones changed during neuropathic pain.

As they looked, nothing seemed out of the ordinary at first...

But that’s when they saw it as clear as day...

A group of mutating cells gone rogue.

These cells are called “macrophages...”

Which apparently are the body's first line of defense against danger.

As I understand it, when a macrophage spots something that looks unhealthy or could potentially cause damage to the body...

It tracks down the target and essentially destroys it.

In fact, according to research out of Harvard University...


Macrophages have the power to protect tissues and promote repair...

Patrolling for pathogens and destroying cellular debris, foreign particles, microbes, even cancer cells...

And mount an inflammatory response following injury or infection.

To put it another way, you can think of macrophages as the “Seal Team Six” of your immune system.

Just like the Seal Team gets called in to protect us from some of the most dangerous people in the world...

These macrophages get “called in” to protect us from some of the most dangerous invaders inside our own bodies.

But if that’s true, why are these scientists now calling them the CULPRIT of neuropathy?

Well here’s where things get really interesting… When they took a closer look at these cells...

Comparing healthy macrophages to those in mice models with neuropathic pain… They discovered a SHOCKING truth.

In neuropathic pain, these normally pro-healing cells...

Were completely malfunctioning. And instead of being protectors of the nerves…

They were actually CAUSING the nerve damage, pain and discomfort. Sounds strange, I know...


But growing evidence shows that upon nerve injury (despite what the initial cause is)...

Macrophages can basically mutate and go “rogue…”

Causing inflammation and tissue damage in the nerves!

It’s like in Star Wars when Anakin Skywalker turns to the “dark side” and becomes Darth Vader...

These macrophages are basically turning to the dark side in neuropathy!

Just take a look at this picture:

You can see on the left side after a normal injury that macrophages (or those blue cells that look like spiders)...

Promote healing in the body free from pain.

In other words, macrophages are in full effect doing their job… But on the right side in neuropathic pain, they’re mutating...

And instead of protecting the nerves… They’re eating away at them.

And in a 2014 study out of Northwestern University...

Researchers concluded that these rogue macrophages can even be the cause of pain in painful diabetic neuropathy...

Which is just further evidence of this attack on our nerves. I mean, can you imagine the thought of your nerves being virtually EATEN ALIVE... Slowly degenerating and crumbling away, eventually nearly dying...

Knowing there’s NOTHING you can do about it? That thought scared the crap out of me. But it also completely opened my eyes.

Because it answered a question I’d been
asking myself for years...

Why do most doctors have NO way of helping people with neuropathy... Other than throwing some useless medication at us ― or worse, painkillers or antidepressants...

And sending us on our way? The answer suddenly seems shockingly obvious...

Because most, if not everything, we’ve ever tried focuses only on treating symptoms...

NOT the root cause of neuropathy...

Which are these rogue cells.

For example, did you know that gabapentin is actually an anticonvulsant designed to treat seizures?

And if that doesn't work, would you believe the next tool in your doc's toolkit is to prescribe you one or more of various antidepressants...


For nerve pain?

And if the antidepressants don't help they'll really start grasping for straws and prescribe you drugs designed to treat fibromyalgia, shingles, and spinal cord injuries.

Discovering this had me fuming. Because after all this time, I’d thought I was just doomed… That nothing worked for ME.

I had no idea the truth was that it was never GOING to work.

But remember how I said that healthy macrophages are like the “Seal Team Six” of your immune system?

Well, I think it’s pretty telling that the only real solution is staring us right in the face.

These rogue, mutating macrophages need to be “switched back” to their normal, pro-healing state.

Because if you can do that…

You can virtually regrow your nerves, regaining the strong, healthy and normal-functioning state they once had…

Which would target all the burning, stinging, numbing, itching, and other horrible sensations at the source.

Sounds great in theory, right? But how can you actually do this?

At first, the only thing that came to mind was some ridiculously expensive procedure.

But as of right now, there is no procedure that can do this. And if there were, it would likely cost you a boatload of money.

Plus, as I said, the key here is basically to switch these macrophages from their nerve-destroying state…

Back to their nerve-HEALING state.

Poking and prodding with a bunch of surgical tools doesn’t really seem like the best option.

So what IS the answer? That’s the question that kept replaying in my head every single day for months.

But then I found a study that changed everything.

It was a 2017 study out of Duke University.

The title read:

Regenerating damaged nerves with ‘Pac-Man’ cells Innovative approach nearly as good as surgical nerve transplant

And what are these “Pac-Man cells” they were referring to? Macrophages!

My heart started racing with excitement. Because just from the title...

I could tell that there was scientific PROOF that macrophages were not only the culprit in neuropathy…

But also the solution! A solution that according to this study…

Could be nearly as effective as literally putting NEW nerves into your body.

And it only got better the closer I looked… Because these Duke researchers discovered that a surge of PRO-healing macrophages could regrow severed nerves in rats. And that’s not all…

Because in a 2013 study, scientists found that when pro-healing macrophages were removed from salamanders…
They lost their ability to regenerate a limb and formed scar tissue instead.
This shows that macrophages play a key role in the ability of salamanders to regrow their tail along with other body parts… even major organs!

In fact, according to Dr. James Godwin from Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory…

This link means that since humans also have macrophages…

We may have “untapped potential” to regenerate body parts and major organs JUST LIKE salamanders.

Of course, we’re still years, if not DECADES, away from being able to do something as amazing as that.

But it did make it painstakingly obvious just how incredible the healing power of macrophages really is.

Because if we’re closer to regrowing limbs and even major organs than we realize, thanks to macrophages…

Then it makes total sense that they’d be able to heal our nerves at the very least.

But I didn’t have years. I still needed more proof that it was possible to do it as soon as TODAY.

And now that I knew what I was looking for, the proof was much easier to find.

This time it was a study from Johns Hopkins Medicine where the researchers there said:
“...we demonstrate, for the first time to our knowledge, that manipulating macrophage metabolism can actually accelerate peripheral nerve regeneration.”

In this study, they’re basically saying that those pro-healing macrophages I’ve been talking about CAN repair nerve damage and heal neuropathic pain…

They just need to be “sent” to the nerves… just like a team of military soldiers!

And that’s STILL not all…

Because in another study, Japanese researchers found that in neuropathic pain…

Macrophages basically “mutate” and eat away at the nerves, causing pain (which we already know)…

But here’s the really important part of this study…

These same researchers found that by basically “switching” these macrophages to their pro-healing state…

You can actually STOP neuropathic pain and neuroinflammation at the source…

While allowing the pro-healing macrophages to RELIEVE neuropathic pain long-term.

This was just further proof of exactly what I believed was needed to finally put an end to neuropathy…

Which is to perform a “reset” on these macrophages almost like you would with a computer when it freezes.

But now that I had all the proof I needed of what the solution truly WAS…
I needed to know exactly HOW to do it.

Which was a lot easier said than done. As I said, I’m no doctor, and I’m definitely not a scientist…

So this seemed impossible at the time. But after months of research, I found a breakthrough…


And it was SO much easier than I could have even dreamed.

As it turns out, there are already PAGES of research and studies that have been hiding in plain sight…

Showing a ridiculously quick and easy way to virtually “reset” these macrophages and regrow the nerves.

And not only is this breakthrough EASY…

But it’s been proven in MULTIPLE clinical studies…

Which gave me a TON of hope.

I was now on the brink of a REAL and SIMPLE solution that could not only ease my pain and suffering…

But something that could help thousands… If not MILLIONS of people who’ve also had their lives ripped out from under them thanks to neuropathy.

And once I dug deeper into this breakthrough… I knew I had found a miracle.

Because it’s actually something that’s been used in the ancient lands of the Far East for THOUSANDS of years for pain…

And get this…

In one study, scientists found that it reduces the production of pain-enhancing, mutating macrophages…

Which shows that at the very least, it could STOP any further damage by exterminating these rogue cells at the source.

But as I kept reading, I saw that they also said DIRECTLY in this study that this breakthrough reduces neuropathic pain!

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg…

Because in a 2014 study at the University of California Irvine… Researchers found that this breakthrough was proven to relieve both inflammatory pain AND injury-induced neuropathic pain…

Because in a 2014 study at the University of California Irvine… Researchers found that this breakthrough was proven to relieve both inflammatory pain AND injury-induced neuropathic pain…

This breakthrough was shown to significantly decrease pain intensity and bothersomeness in 15 people…

And without it, the pain actually INCREASED instead.

Pretty amazing, right?

Because it shows that not only can this breakthrough STOP rogue macrophages from wreaking havoc on our nerves…

But it can literally relieve the pain at the exact same time!

So you’re probably wondering what this breakthrough actually is.

It’s a powerful plant called Corydalis yanhusuo…

And while you can look it up on Google or Amazon, it won’t really do you much good on its own…

But when you combine it with two other powerful, clinically-proven ingredients…

That’s when the REAL magic happens.

Because like I said, the key is not just to STOP these mutating macrophages, but to essentially return them to their normal state to HEAL the nerves…

That way you can TRULY get relief from all the pain and discomfort.

And considering how hard it’s been to get any relief so far, do you really want to cut any corners?

I don’t think so…


And that’s exactly where this next breakthrough ingredient comes into play.

It’s another powerful plant called Althaea officinalis or Marshmallow, which is actually where marshmallows come from (although today’s marshmallows from the store don’t actually contain any true marshmallow root).

And this compound is truly incredible…

Because in an “in vitro” study…

Researchers found that Althaea officinalis has significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity…

And can in fact IMPROVE the migratory capacity of pro-healing macrophages…

Which is just a fancy way of saying that it allows for a more steady surge of these healing macrophages just as I hoped…

And that’s just from this one ingredient alone!

But I was not willing to stop there.

Like I said earlier, I made myself a pledge that there was going to be a TRUE solution that stopped neuropathy at the source that was better than anything else out there…

So just stick with me through all the “sciency” stuff here…

Because I want you to see just how powerful and PROVEN every ingredient is so that you have ZERO doubts…


Especially since the next ingredient I’m about to share may be even MORE impressive than the first two!

It’s a plant called Passiflora incarnata or Passion Flower…

And it’s been used since the 16th century for tons of medicinal purposes. But it’s not so much the ingredient itself that’s so impressive…

It’s the compound inside the ingredient called “GABA” (gamma aminobutyric acid). GABA is a neurotransmitter that blocks impulses between nerve cells in the brain…

And in a 2013 study out of Uppsala University…

GABA was shown to decrease the production of inflammatory, pain-causing immune cells in rogue macrophages…

Which is amazing… Because it’s like sending further reinforcements to make sure that there’s nothing left to eat away at the nerves…

And on top of that, researchers have now done clinical studies that PROVE that GABA and Passiflora incarnata are effective in soothing neuropathic pain.

At this point, I was BEYOND excited. Because with just one of these three ingredients alone, you’d think that it would be a miracle for neuropathy…

So if these three powerful ingredients weren't enough… Then what the heck would be? But still, I had to be sure.


That’s when I found TWO additional ingredients that just add to the power of these other ingredients so that NOTHING could stop them.

One is called Prickly Pear…

Which has been shown in a study to make those pro-healing macrophages even MORE active in the body…

And single doses of Prickly Pear can actually decrease blood sugar levels by 17% to 46% in some people.


The last ingredient is called California Poppy Seed…

A stunning, sun-kissed flower that’s been used for hundreds of years for pain, sleep and much more.

It provides feelings of relaxation and calm and also has GABA-like effects…

Which we now know is essential for healing the nerves.

Now, at this point, I felt pretty confident about these ingredients together…

But I REALLY wanted to put them to the test… Which proved to be extremely difficult.

Because I simply couldn’t find anything that contained a combination of any of these ingredients, let alone all five.

It could be that they’re being kept a secret for some reason…

Or it could be because some of them are rare, expensive, and not so easy to come by.

So I knew nobody had combined these ingredients before…

And I was willing to do everything in my power to be the first.

Was it easy? Not at all. But I was determined.

I found a team of amazing formulators and a health company called PhytAge Labs who were just as excited as I was to create this powerful combination…

And after months and months of perfecting it and third-party testing…

It finally came to fruition.

It’s proudly called Nerve Control 911.

Nerve Control 911 is the only blend of nature-based, proven ingredients that truly gives you lasting relief…

Freeing you from all the burning, numbing, tingling, itching, and other nerve sensations that have been plaguing you for so long…

All without ANY dangerous side effects.

I still ask myself every day why this solution isn’t more well known to those who suffer from nerve damage like you and me.

It angers me. But I’m thankful that you finally know it exists.

And it’s so simple, it’s honestly laughable when you try to compare it to other so-called nerve pain “solutions.”

Just take 2 tiny capsules each morning and let these proven ingredients revitalize, soothe and reset your nerves in just SECONDS a day. Plus, they’re SUPER easy to swallow…

And the five powerful ingredients are backed by tons of science and dozens of clinical studies.

Also it uses only completely nature-based ingredients and NO fillers.

We quickly realized that there was no need to add anything extra to something that’s already so effective…

Not to mention the tens of thousands of men and women who’ve received unparalleled relief from Nerve Control 911, like…

Yanni P. from Portsmouth, New Hampshire
“My neuropathy was worse on some days, and at specific times of the day. I was told it had to do with cortisol, stress and my emotions. But at this point I don’t really care what it was! Because I’m feeling absolutely terrific after using your product and it's only been just a few short weeks!”
And Chris F. from Yuma, Arizona
“My pain, tingling, and other odd sensations were much worse at night which made it impossible to fall asleep and then made me into a zombie almost every day of my life… But thanks to Nerve Control 911 it doesn’t matter if it's day or night - I’m always feeling strong, energetic and pain-free! Thank you.”
I LOVE reading these stories.

Because as much as it pains me to know that there are still so many people like yourself suffering…

Seeing firsthand how much this product changes the lives of so many makes all of the hard work and dedication completely worth it.

And of course, you’re probably ready for me to just shut up so you can try Nerve Control 911™ for yourself.

At least, I hope so. Because look, I get it…

Maybe you’ve been burned by more solutions than you can count…

Solutions that promise you the world but instead just leave you feeling more frustrated and hopeless. Boy have I been there.

But you may never come across a more proven solution for the rest of your life.

And I truly do mean that.

Had I not found this when I did, I honestly can’t say for certain that I’d be around today.

So, I thank God every day for pointing me in the right direction.

And now my goal is to point YOU in the right direction.

Because Nerve Control 911 gives lasting relief from your pain and discomfort sooner than you could imagine…

All without side effects or worrying that you're hurting your health even further.

And you don’t have to stop.

It’s nature-based and safe, so you can keep taking it for as long as you need to until you feel like the man or woman you did 30 years ago.

Just picture it for a moment…
Picture yourself waking up for the first time in forever feeling well-rested, as if you went back in time…

Jumping out of bed and walking to the bathroom without even a glimmer of discomfort…

And picture that pain-free feeling lasting all day long as your family and friends look at you in awe…

While you move around with ease and an added pep in your step… doing the activities you LOVE once again…


Dancing for the heck of it… playing your favorite sport… going to the gym…

Or even just spending quality time with loved ones.

Your old life is back and better than ever.

And you're finally free.

You no longer have to worry about the pain or discomfort.

For the first time in what may seem like forever, you can actually ENJOY life again…

This time with a renewed sense of gratitude for the little things that you once took for granted.

Allow yourself to feel that sense of hope wash over you.

Because when you can get your life back in almost the blink of an eye, you don’t pass up that opportunity…

Even if you feel like the odds are against you. Especially considering there are virtually NO side effects.

That’s what you get with Nerve Control 911. Am I saying that without a doubt your life is going to change for the better overnight?

No. But what I AM saying is that there’s a good chance that it can.

Maybe not overnight. But sooner than you think.

With that said, let’s talk about how you can get your hands on Nerve Control 911 today.

Because as you know, Nerve Control 911 uses only the highest-quality, clinically-proven ingredients.

Each ingredient is created in a state-of-the-art facility that follows all GMP and FDA guidelines to ensure each bottle is safe and effective.

And let's not forget about the tens of thousands of people that are already praising this formula for helping them in more ways than they could have ever imagined. Because that’s no coincidence.

Creating a breakthrough solution that actually does what it’s supposed to comes with years of hard work and dedication.

That’s why you can feel safe knowing that we don’t cut ANY corners. This truly is a one-of-a-kind solution.

Of course, these ingredients are not always that easy to come by, especially when you consider what they can do for you.

And if they were, we’d all just be heading to our local grocery store and relieving ourselves of nerve damage, no questions asked.

But it’s not that simple. And it’s definitely not cheap.

I guess nothing that’s truly worth buying for our health comes cheap.

Still, if you were to take Nerve Control 911 and put it up against HUNDREDS of other health supplements and solutions out there that barely do a thing for you…

It honestly feels like stealing candy from a baby.

And typically, when there’s only ONE solution that truly works amongst a bunch of garbage…

The one that works has all the power to charge as much as they want.

Yet still, we do not charge anywhere near what we could.

It’s like if you were shopping for a house and nine of the ten houses were run down…

And then there’s one brand new mansion that’s somehow cheaper than the rest without any “catches.”

That’s basically what you’re getting with Nerve Control 911.

But would I STILL pay top dollar for it even if it did cost me an arm and a leg?

Without a second thought.

I mean, wouldn't you if you KNEW it was going to give you that glorious relief, freeing you from your nerve pain in the near blink of an eye?

To get out of bed every day with excitement… knowing that you can do WHATEVER you want without even the slightest thought of pain or discomfort?

Seriously. Ask yourself how much you’d be willing to spend for that kind of relief.

$300? $500? $1000? The truth is, you really can’t put a price on it. Because we’re talking about our quality of life here.

How debilitating it is to have to live with this day in and day out with no hope in sight. I’d give every last dollar to not have to go back to feeling that way ever again.

Because of the way I feel today, almost like a kid again… I once believed those days were long gone.

So I would think a measly $200 would be more than fair to have your old life back, wouldn’t you?

At that price, you wouldn’t be breaking the bank, and it would allow us to cover the costs of making it with a small profit left over.

But since I’m one of you, I wouldn’t feel comfortable charging you even that much…

Especially because our goal is to get Nerve Control 911 to every single person who’s suffering from neuropathy.

And since we’ve been able to cut out the middleman by only making our product available online, you benefit even more.

Because we’re able to take those savings and pass them on to you.

This means you don’t have to pay $200 to find relief from your pain and discomfort… You don’t even have to spend $150… or $100.


I only ask you one thing: please share your success story with us once you’ve been able to try it for yourself.

Also just a heads up… This is the one and only place you will find Nerve Control 911 at the lowest price we’ve ever offered it.

This deal is not available on Amazon or anywhere else.

And here’s the best part, so pay close attention…

While many people begin to feel the pain-relieving effects of Nerve Control 911 in as little as the first WEEK…

The REAL magic happens after at least 60 days of consistent use.

Why? Because just like with anything that’s worth taking, the high-quality ingredients of Nerve Control 911™ take time to fully build up in the body and work their magic…

But once they do… you’re going to notice almost right away.

In other words, the more you take Nerve Control 911… the more you feel like your old self once again without all the pain and discomfort.

If you don’t pay attention to anything else in this video, just listen to this one point…

Because if you take 2 capsules of Nerve Control 911 consistently every day for as long as it takes to feel your best…

I can tell you, like I’ve already told many others, that you could be the next person writing in to tell us how much your life has changed…

Regular folks like Ruby DeLong of Memphis, Tennessee who said…
“I cried every time I left the doctor’s office. My nerve pain transformed from an annoyance to a literal torture plaguing my life. I couldn’t sleep, and I couldn’t sit long enough to do my job, so I was forced to quit because the pain was too much.
The prescriptions my doctor gave me weren’t working and were too expensive. I felt like I was being played for a fool. But thankfully, I stumbled upon your presentation for Nerve Control 911, and was engaged enough to finish it. I immediately followed the steps as you instructed at the end and, sooner than I could have imagined, I was really starting to feel more like myself again - little by little.
And while I am frustrated with the debt I’ve built up, I’m incredibly relieved to finally be on the right path. Sincerely, thank you.”
Or Amy Collins from Tacoma who says…
“I had enough. My HMO refused to give me physical therapy for jabbing pain in my legs and lower back. They didn’t offer me anything. Literally nothing.
Then I found Nerve Control 911 and bought 4 bottles right away. It started working right away and makes those creams and medications look like scams. I’ve tried almost all of them. I’m preparing to get myself a six-month supply. No side effects and works like a miracle.”
And finally Landon Clark from Cedar Rapids adds…
“Every 4 months I had been getting shots in my shoulder because there was pain shooting up my feet, neck, arms and hips. It was incredibly annoying — AND expensive.
To put it mildly, I’m so glad I found Nerve Control 911.
I ordered it as soon as I discovered it, and have been taking it since it arrived.
Even sooner than I’d hoped, my pain became manageable enough that I’ve been back at the gym for the first time in years.
I’m slowly working up to more physical activity, but I can already tell you I’m walking around with more confidence, feeling stronger and totally optimistic about working toward getting my quality of life back.”

As you can see, some of our most successful customers not only take Nerve Control 911 consistently month to month… but they WANT to be taking it. Because they know that they will just continue to see their life change in more ways than one.

And this is actually a GOOD thing for you as well…

Because when you order Nerve Control 911 in bulk instead of buying one bottle at a time…

We can cut down on shipping costs and pass even MORE savings on to you.

That way you’re not only paying even less money for Nerve Control 911…

But you’re also ensuring that you’re able to experience that amazing relief and freedom from your pain and discomfort that only gets better by the day for months to come…


And that way, you don’t have to even worry about running out and risk having to start all over by ruining your progress.

Now, I can tell how serious you are about getting lasting relief by the fact that you’ve made it this far in the video…

And I can tell that you want to experience the same life-altering results Nerve Control 911 has to offer just like it has for thousands of others…

Which is why right now and only while you’re reading this...

We have two other options for you that are even more popular…

Including our 2-bottle option where you can save an additional $10, bringing the price per bottle to just $59.95…

Along with FREE shipping as well…

But I do have to mention that more and more customers are rushing to get their hands on our 4-bottle option…

Which saves them another $10 and comes out to just $49.95 per bottle.

And it’s no coincidence that these same customers also seem to get the most transformative results out of everyone…

Because they’re truly taking it consistently and NOT stopping… just like you would with a multivitamin.

We know it’s a crazy world out there with supply chain issues leaving lots of folks high and dry without the supplies they desperately need.

This is our way of saying we’ve got you covered…

So you never need to worry about running out and missing your daily serving.

For best results it’s critical you do your best to give your body a consistent supply of these critical nutrients.

Remember this deal is NOT available anywhere else.

Plus, like I mentioned earlier, this is unlike ANYTHING you’ve ever tried before…

Which means Big Pharma is not happy about it.

They know if millions of people actually get long-lasting relief from their nerve damage that they’ll be out a huge chunk of change…

So, unfortunately, this video could be taken down at any time.

We simply don't have the capacity to compete with a billion-dollar industry that holds all the power.

That’s why it’s essential that you order your supply of Nerve Control 911 right from this page…

And on top of that, I recommend stocking up now at the discounted price before they catch on and try to shut us down…

Not to mention that since the release of Nerve Control 911, we’ve been selling out like crazy.

And as much as we want to keep supplying this breakthrough formula in bunches to anyone who needs it…


Unfortunately, we just don’t have the manpower to keep up with demand week in and week out.

Which means out-of-stocks are completely unpredictable and can happen at a moment’s notice.

It also means that if you leave this page without securing your supply now, you’ll be paying the FULL price if you change your mind in the future.

But here’s the really good news…
Nerve Control 911 comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee with NO hassles and NO questions asked.

What does that mean exactly? It means only one thing: you’re going to be head-over-heels in love with Nerve Control 911…

The way it makes you feel… the freedom it brings you to move around without pain and be active with your friends and family… doing the things you LOVE the most in this world…

Or you don’t pay a single penny. It’s that simple.

I want you to try Nerve Control 911 for a full 90 days, and if for any reason you feel like it’s not for you, we will issue you a FULL refund.

No annoying hoops to jump through. Especially because I know what it’s like to try something and not only be left disappointed but be out of a bunch of money as well.

It’s not a good feeling. And I would never want a single customer to feel that way.

This is why I’m taking every last ounce of risk from your end and putting it on mine.


And if we are in stock, please consider stocking up on our 4-bottle option, or 2 bottles at the very least.

That way you save the most money and ensure your results for the next few months.

Once you click the button, you’ll be taken to our secure checkout page which completely protects your privacy.

Just enter your shipping information and your bottles will be sent to your doorstep immediately. And don’t wait…

Because it’s really unpredictable when and for how long we will be out of stock with the current global supply chain issues and the rarity of these ingredients…

And I always HATE when a customer can’t get the relief they deserve because of it.

I do not want to make you wait any longer.

And I definitely don’t want you to have to come back later and have to pay FULL price for your order.

Because every day, I see thousands of people just like you go from virtually hopeless and trapped with their nerve pain and discomfort…

To quickly transform into the person that they used to be… running their favorite routes… dancing with friends and family… playing golf or tennis or pickleball…

And just ENJOYING life once again without nerve pain or discomfort.

So when you scroll below this video, don’t forget to take a close look at our multi-bottle options.

You save by far the most money and you’ll have enough Nerve Control 911 for months to virtually guarantee your life is about to change and never go back.

And if you’re still on the fence…

Just know I completely understand… and it’s why I’m offering you the chance to try Nerve Control 911 completely risk-free for the next 90 days.

That means you can try this revolutionary product and determine for YOURSELF how effective and life-changing it is before making a decision on whether to keep it or not…

And if not, you don’t pay anything.

If I were to choose one thing that Nerve Control 911 did for me…

It’s that it basically freed me from being a prisoner to my nerve pain.


It freed me from the fear that I was going to have to live like this for the rest of my life and that things would only get worse.

And it allowed me to start loving life again in a way that I could have never imagined.

But not just me. I hear stories from people every day that within just a short time of trying Nerve Control 911…

They already feel like a different person instead of the unrecognizable victim they’ve felt like for so long.

And their loved ones also can’t believe the drastic change they see in them that only gets better with every passing day.

So please, take my word for it and click on the button right below this video now to secure your order of Nerve Control 911™ today.

Like I said before, we guarantee you will be beyond thrilled you did, or you won’t pay a single penny.

Thanks so much for watching today.

Select Your Package Below




Special Offer: $49.95/bottle

Regular Price: $279.80

Your Total: $199.80


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Free Shipping in the USA





Special Offer: $49.95/bottle

Regular Price: $279.80

Your Total: $199.80


Free Shipping in the USA





Special Offer: $59.95/bottle

Regular Price: $139.90

Your Total: $119.90


Free Shipping in the USA








Free Shipping in the USA
