
Posted: April 8th, 2022

Respected pain medicine specialists, orthopedic surgeons, osteopathic doctors, physical therapists, and chiropractors all agree that the world’s biggest health myths surrounding nerve pain relief have now been debunked.

For decades, neuropathy sufferers thought they’d have to accept that unless they took drastic measures such as risky surgery or aggressive prescription drug treatments — the pins and needles, numbness in the hands, itching, burning, tingling, throbbing and stabbing sensations — and their sleepless nights would continue forever as an inescapable part of everyday life.

But, a world-renowned nerve pain research and development team has finally tackled this frustrating neuropathy issue that has stumped all the experts for years.

And, thanks to their new landmark achievement in nerve pain relief, Americans across the country now have an affordable and safe way to stop nerve pain for good.

Their findings have helped thousands of former sufferers to eliminate nerve pain, find more comfort, feel more energized, and live happier, healthier lives.

Perhaps the most shocking part is the solution doesn’t entail anything dramatic or expensive like Blood Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy — or any other solutions that only celebrities, professional athletes, or the “wealthy 1%” can afford.
And this doesn’t involve months or years of ongoing physical therapy, painful daily exercises, suspicious creams or prescription meds.

All it takes is a simple 7-second morning routine — that anyone can easily complete.

(In fact, demand for this solution has been booming nationwide so chances are good you may have friends or family who’ve already started feeling less pain and more happiness by experiencing this breakthrough solution from the comfort of their home.)

Watch This Video Now To Discover How It’s Done


To give you an insider’s sneak preview of what makes this 7-second nerve pain relief routine so effective, first, you’ll want to know why and how it works.


This team of research scientists expanded upon the groundbreaking work published in April of 2016 by Sandra Reiger, Ph.D from the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory.

Dr. Reiger disproved the so-called “fact” that had been previously agreed upon for decades that: “no single treatment is effective for all neuropathies.”

Her team’s research found that yes — there is indeed, “a common mechanism in all neuropathies, no matter what causes it, that we might be able to manipulate by targeting one single enzyme.”

The enzyme has been identified as MMP-13. Now, understand that it’s completely normal for MMP-13 to occur naturally inside the body.

In fact, when the levels are low, our body isn’t affected by its presence, and it doesn’t cause us any problems.

But when we experience stress, aging, environmental factors and even prolonged use of our cell phones, TV and computer screens, MMP13 production in our body begins to ramp up quickly, as it begins to eat away at your nerve endings.

This is precisely how your nerves get damaged and, as a result, you continue to experience the chronic pain and discomfort that come from common neuropathy symptoms.

But, according to Dr. Rieger’s research, if you can inhibit (or even block) the activity of this toxic enzyme, you can now combat the tingling, burning, and numbing, and the rest of your pain symptoms in a completely new way.

The BIG PROBLEM was that up until today, no medical experts knew how to accomplish this.

But then, a brilliant medical research team working under the Executive Branch of the Peace Corps uncovered something truly shocking.

They had unlocked a secret method to block this MMP-13 enzyme that's been hidden from the general public for decades.

And those that followed this simple protocol have been able to keep themselves free from the symptoms of neuropathic pain, whether they were young or old.

The best part is this method is completely effortless and does not involve following a restrictive diet, scary and expensive surgeries, never-ending physical therapy sessions, or any unsustainable lifestyle changes.

In fact, the method behind this new discovery is so easy that the research team broke down the step-by-step process so that anyone seeing this can find fast success.

This video has already been viewed by tens of thousands of nerve pain sufferers — and the response has been overwhelming.

They’re reporting remarkable transformations that have had a profound impact on their physical comfort, as well as newly- discovered mental well-being.

It’s not unusual to hear stories that include regained feeling in hands, fingers and toes — or even a sense of shock from customers who are now able to fall asleep easily and then wake in the morning pain-free, refreshed and ready to experience full days of normal activity.

As with any natural-based healing method, everyone’s body experiences its ultimate outcomes under slightly different time frames.

This simply means that your results can depend on a range of factors — but anyone can get the full results they need if you practice this simple 7-second method just once per day.

If you’ve made the decision to remove nerve pain from your life without taking on the risk and expense of surgery or prescription meds, this science-backed method gives you the roadmap to getting real relief at home.

Watch the video now to discover how it's done and follow simple instructions.

Click Here to Watch the Video