ATTENTION! There is breaking news for people over 40 who want better vision and to end
their struggles
without getting new lenses or surgery…
What if I told you that staring at
a red light for just 3 minutes
a day can dramatically improve your declining eyesight?
Well, we didn’t believe it at first either, but
turns out it's true...
At the world-famous University College in London, England, Professor Glen
Jeffery has shocked the
When his research on 24 adults proved that staring at
a deep red light for three minutes a day significantly improves declining eye-sight and all the
study participants were over the age of 40.
The reason why this red light improved vision so much was because he discovered that your eyes are
like an iPhone camera.
Your eyes and the camera on your iPhone both work great as long as you have enough battery power
left for them to run.
As you know, your iPhone and the camera in it runs off a battery. If the battery dies, your
doesn’t have any power and you can’t see anything.
Well, it’s the same thing with your eyes.
Your eyes have a power source like a battery.
And if the power source to your eyes gets low your vision gets weak, blurry, cloudy, unfocused,
have trouble with night driving, trouble reading menus or small print, or other vision
Do you have any of these vision problems now? If you do, that means that the aging process has run down the
power source to your eyes. That’s the bad news.
But, the good news is that a new, natural quick home remedy can give you
the youthful vision you used
to have:
without getting new lenses or surgery
without any doctor visits
without staring into a laser light
And you’ll see your vision improving within just 7 days.
Professor Jeffery says it is… “like recharging a battery.”
This incredible news can help millions of people with declining vision.
The Journal of Gerontology just published this jaw-dropping study showing your eyesight is like
iPhone camera battery in that they both work on the same principles of needing enough
electricity to
run properly.
And both your iPhone battery and your eyesight lose their power over time from being used.
For your phone camera, this means it won't work...
And for your vision, this loss of electrical power in your eyes as you age means you have dry,
tired eyes, trouble seeing and driving at night, trouble reading books, having to squint to read your
cell phone, difficulty reading menus, have difficulty recognizing faces or finding objects … squinting,
blurriness … sometimes fear of a car accident and losing your driver's license, loss of mobility, and
sometimes you even feel anxiety and anger.
But the good news is that now, this new discovery can recharge your
aging eyes
just like you would recharge
your iPhone battery.
This natural discovery flies in the face of what the vision industry has told you that you need to
paying big money for doctor visits and expensive new lenses or procedures. Now, listen, at first I
skeptical about this natural discovery, too,
...just like Margaret Thiebold, age 56 who said, “After a month of use, my vision improved
from very bad to 20/30 and now I can see everything good …this is a fabulous natural
eyesight breakthrough.”
And Tom Brubaker said, “I`m 87 and I have worn bi-focal glasses for 30 years, but now I can
read without my glasses anymore! Thank you so much.”
Norma Reinwald, age 62, said, “I feel like a cloudy film over my eyes is gone now. A whole
new clear and beautiful world is mine to see now. I told my husband I feel so much younger
and happier. I can even drive safely at night without oncoming headlight glare or blurry
highway signs.”
Dan Improvita, 65, raves, “Improvement so good I can now read my Military History books for
hours and hours every day… making me now a very very happy person.”
This recharging of the eyes has already led
of people to:
No more dry, “heavy” or tired eyes
Sharper vision for reading books, menus
Sharper vision for reading books, menus
Driving much safer with no more anxiety
Drive at night with much better vision
Less or no more squinting or blurriness
Not being afraid of losing their drivers license
Possibly not having to wear glasses anymore
Not worrying about needing eye surgery
In the upcoming minutes, I’m also going to spill the beans and reveal an important warning for you or anyone
know about a widely prescribed medicine for another health issue that three ophthalmologists have found to
toxic and damaging to the eyes … and also how to sharpen your eyesight and see better,
even driving at night,
with the same natural secret that fighter pilots use to fly on the darkest of nights.
Have you ever noticed
that when you go to the eye doctor, he or she
trustworthy but then says you need to spend a lot more money zbuying stronger lenses … and this
money-sucking thing keeps happening almost every time you go to the eye doctor?
It's no surprise your eye doctor says you have to keep spending a fortune with him on new lenses
and your eye doctor keeps getting richer so he can pay for his luxurious Mercedes-Benz and a
home in some tropical paradise on the beach with your hard-earned money.
In fact, when was the last time your eye doctor told you about natural ways to
improve your eyesight
so you didn't need expensive eye doctor visits and new lenses?
Probably never, and that's really a shame.
There has to be a better way to improve your eyesight, and
finally, there is, and here’s the
There has to be a better way to improve your
eyesight, and
finally, there is, and here’s the
As I mentioned before, not many people know this, but your eyes are actually like the camera
iPhone. They need a lot of electricity to operate properly.
And the good thing is electricity is everywhere in your body.
Smithsonian Magazine confirms each of
us produce enough electricity constantly to power a 100-watt light bulb. Our cells are
to receive and send electrical currents. When cells in your body are charged, it gives your
the power to make the correct movements for your good health, and this includes good vision.
A good example of electricity is your heart … in that your cells actually create these
currents that make sure your heart contracts at just the right time. This allows your heart
correctly. Health professionals can actually see this in action with the help of an ECG, or
If you want even more proof that your vision works off electricity, a study published by
Vanderbilt University also confirms it. Dr. Robert Reinhart’s study gave an electric current
charge to the part of the brain that processes vision and peoples’ vision improved by an
of 1 to 2 letters on the eye chart … and those who had the worst vision had the biggest
If you want even more proof that your vision works off electricity, a study published by
Vanderbilt University also confirms it. Dr. Robert Reinhart’s study gave an electric current
charge to the part of the brain that processes vision and peoples’ vision improved by an
of 1 to 2 letters on the eye chart … and those who had the worst vision had the biggest
Now let’s get to how this breaking news study can dramatically improve your eyesight naturally starting
in the next 7 days.
Professor Glen Jeffery shocked the vision world when his research on 24 adults proved that staring at a
red electrical light for three minutes a day significantly improves declining eyesight.
Professor Jeffery reported, "As you age, your visual system declines significantly, particularly once over
age 40.”
"To try to stem or reverse this decline, we sought to reboot the retina's aging cells with short bursts
longwave light."
"Our study shows that it is possible to significantly improve vision that has declined in aged
using simple brief exposures to light wavelengths that recharge the energy system that has declined in
retina cells, rather like recharging a battery.”
So when the electrical energy system in your retina cells gets recharged this instantly improves your
Incredible, isn’t it?
So, now that this ground-breaking discovery was made that eyesight can be recharged just like a
battery can be re-charged the million-dollar question for vision researchers became …
How can they get this deep red light laser to everyone with declining eyesight?
Sure, this red light works, but the big problem is it has to be looked at ONCE A DAY. This means
is NOT practical or possible for the millions of people who need it …
It would be too inconvenient for millions of people to look at a big expensive laser light every
single day.