I woke up yelling in pain once again… “I’m having a heart attack!”

My sweet wife rushed to the phone and dialed 911. I groaned and hollered in pain, holding my heart and praying I survived. My wife cried the whole way to the hospital, it was the scariest night of our lives.


“Listen, I’m glad you made it in tonight…” the doctor said.
“Thankfully you weren’t having a heart attack, it’s actually GERD, you had some serious acid reflux.”

Acid reflux was the bane of my existence… Night after night I rolled over and turned around, and a burp bubbled up, the acid burst through my stomach and into my esophagus.

I groaned in pain. It felt like someone had stuck their hand through my inside and yanked at it, cutting me to pieces.

This was a usual night in my house… I never thought it could get to this point… Frantically rushing to the hospital in fear of a heart attack. How humiliating!

Soon my wife and I were sleeping in separate rooms. Night after night, sleep was completely robbed from me and my wife was sick of it. Here I am, married, yet I’m sleeping alone.

I was worried about our marriage, and I was humiliated about my frenzy in the middle of the night.


But when the fiery pain set in… That was the last thing I could possibly think of.

- Was my marriage at stake? - Were my insides going to survive this brutal torture? - Was I ever going to enjoy sleep and comfort again? - Would I ever get to enjoy sleeping with my wife again?

What was going on?

I had so many questions, and if you’re here right now, you’re probably asking some of those same questions yourself.

If that’s you, stick around for this very important message…

It has the power to completely transform your life and usher in comfort and joy like you once had before the hellish nightmare began.

Look, I know what you’re probably going through...Bottles upon bottles of antacids just weren’t cutting it anymore for me: Medications, home remedies, and other tricks I found online… Nothing was helping.

So to the doctor’s office I went in search of some answers... And one of the most uncomfortable situations I’ve been through was feeling that camera slowly entering my nose and gently penetrating my throat.


“Your esophagus looks like it’s been set on fire,” the doctor said.

As my doctor explained surgery and cancer as a real consequence, I felt my whole life flash before my eyes.

You never think news like that can be told to you… until it happens.

For the first time in my life… I considered how I might leave my family much sooner than I’d ever expected.

Thank goodness all that’s in the past.

Today I’m 100% free of Acid Reflux, and I’m proud to say I didn’t get surgery and I’m totally free from taking medications and even antacids.

In fact, I don’t even eat differently anymore. My plaque of a raging fire inside is totally gone, and I can’t wait to share with you the real story of how this happened.

Truth be told… It was a total accident. An accident I discovered... was actually backed by scientific research. And when I learned about this incredible product, I started sharing it with everyone I knew. Because if you’re like I once was… waking up groaning in pain at 3 am and unable to go back to sleep…

Well, I know all too well what that’s like. And you need to know the very real and available solutions before you agree to surgery and consume a lifetime’s worth of medications or antacids like I once did.

If you suffer from Acid Reflux or have GERD, stick with me for this entire presentation as I’m about to explain everything to you.

You’re absolutely right to be skeptical and afraid of solutions you hear about online. That’s why everything I’m about to share with you is heavily documented by the world's leading researchers.

Stick with me here and you, too, will discover the 100% natural and safe, science-backed solution once and for all. And reclaim your health, your comfort, and your peace that seems so far out of reach.

There are ZERO reasons to continue on in pain after this. And you’re not alone if you think your case might be different from the rest.

Yet, in one study I found, scientists discovered that those folks with Chronic Acid Reflux all had the same problem in their gut.

Would you be surprised if I told you it was bacteria? I certainly was when I discovered this…

It’s the reason why taking all those antacids and common medications do absolutely nothing to help the real cause of your GERD or Acid Reflux.

In fact these things are making your problem worse, because the bacteria is simply allowed to flourish.


Luckily for you and me, my personal internal inferno led me to stumble into the unique and miraculous breakthrough I’m about to share. I’m not kidding around here, this is like putting out a fire. It really works!

If you have symptoms of heartburn like acid burps, discomfort turning as you lay down, even problems swallowing, this is for you.

You’ll be excited to discover that you can soon start eating those foods again.

You know, the ones that cause you so much pain right now you try to avoid them like the plague. Soon, you’ll be able to enjoy those again. That's my special promise to you.

Now… I must warn you however, there is one food you must avoid at all costs if you suffer from Acid Reflux, heartburn, or GERD. Just stay away from it in the beginning, and you’ll notice your symptoms ease up much faster.

I’ll reveal that shortly, and when I do, you’ll follow this scientifically backed tip, right? Good. Doing so will eradicate the painful symptoms you’ve been experiencing for so long.

Before I reveal that... it’s paramount to note there are far too many people profiting through a few very large companies…


You’re right to be angry about this like I was. But these companies continue making tons of cash every single year off of the 20 million Americans suffering from these issues.

If you think they’re happy about an old fella like myself revealing this information, you’ve got another thing coming. Don’t click off of this page, it may be the only chance you’ve got to solve your Acid Reflux and drain their money-hungry pockets.

I’m Curtis Aufhammer, I’m 53 years old and if I hadn’t had a totally unrelated accident…I wouldn’t be sharing any of this with you.

I discovered this solution by a total accident, and if I hadn’t? Well, I’d still be suffering today… and so would thousands of others.

And I might have had to have surgery, just like millions of people go through each year in an attempt to correct their problems.

When I started experiencing heartburn, I didn’t think it was that big of a deal.

I scooped up a bottle of antacids here and there. But then it got so bad, I’d be eating those things all throughout the day, and I’d go through a bottle in only a few weeks.

Then I began waking up at night, each toss and turn forcing the burn to rage hotter inside.


Then I heard about a co-worker dying from esophageal cancer. I was incredibly shocked this could happen! I was terrified it could happen to me next. Especially after my trip to the doctor...

He wrote me a prescription for a Proton Pump Inhibitor to see if it would help within the next few months. From the moment I started his prescription, I felt very sick all the time! I was suddenly tired with full severe body aches and covered in chills.

So I went back and sure enough, I was diagnosed with pneumonia. Little did I know…


This concoction of medications and antibiotics would ultimately lead to the accidental discovery of the Acid Reflux cure.

But before that happened… My life was spinning down a dark path and what’s worse, I felt like I was completely alone. This is embarrassing to admit… But let’s just say, I was going to the bathroom… A LOT.

And because of this, I isolated myself and I never went anywhere.

And that’s when, out of nothing short of pure boredom, I stumbled upon life changing research. I found research that changed the way I looked at GERD and heartburn forever.

I found so much information my doctor never shared with me… almost as if he had no clue.

And since you’ve stuck with me… I’m now going to reveal that information so you, too, can be armed with the knowledge that defeated my own symptoms.


According to a study from National Center for Biotechnology Information, that linked those who take PPIs to an increased rate of hip fractures.

And the longer these drugs are taken, the more likely they are to occur. You’re right to wonder how.

These drugs block calcium absorption in your stomach, so while this particular study only looked at hip fractures… The reality is your entire bone structure becomes weakened over time as a result of taking these drugs.

Other studies found PPIs are linked to heart failure, coronary heart disease, and wouldn’t you know it… Pneumonia!

And it doesn’t stop there… This dangerous concoction of drugs could increase the chances of developing chronic diarrhea too.

Boy, I knew I was onto it now. And wouldn’t you have it… The FDA warns about this, too!

I was angry! My doctor never told me any of this! So I’ll tell you what he didn’t.

Cut out the PPIs and don’t eat any bread-related carbs. But, Curtis, why can’t I eat bread-like carbs?

Remember how I revealed Acid Reflux and GERD is caused by bacteria in the stomach?

Well, bread-like carbs are actually food for this bacteria. So as you can see… feeding the cause of your pain isn’t a very good idea at all and should be stopped immediately. At least until your problem is totally resolved.


This is going to be hard to believe… But I found storms of studies that all painted a very clear picture that the very same PPIs used to help people like us…

Actually eliminate healthy gut bacteria and this means that you could end up with both chronic diarrhea… And in even worse shape in regards to your Acid Reflux or GERD.

Because of the even greater imbalance of bacteria.

The FDA warns about a bacteria called Clostridium Difficile that causes chronic diarrhea, and when paired with antibiotics, it’s even more severe. I was finally discovering answers my own doctor wasn’t telling me!

I began networking with researchers connected to the studies and lo and behold, one of them actually got back to me. Sergio explained everything to me and assured me I was indeed uncovering the real truth about Acid Reflux and GERD.


To my surprise, Sergio and his team of researchers were already testing bitter herb supplements. They had a formula that was already working to replenish the healthy gut bacteria.

“You’ll need to take these while slowly stopping the use of your PPIs and staying away from carbs,” Sergio said. “You’ll be back to normal in no time” he told me. “You must follow the system to the T, otherwise, I cannot guarantee anything,” he added.

So I did just that. I diligently followed the system, and I had high hopes. When it worked, I begged Sergio to let me get involved.

In the first month alone, my bathroom issues faded, the acid burps fell away, the stomach cramps were gone, and I was able to try foods I haven’t indulged in for a very long time.

By the second month, I was living on Cloud 9. It was a deep satisfied comfort that draped over my life like a giant, loving quilt.

And in the third month… I had my life back completely.

My doctor was angry I had been trying things I found online, yet when he saw my throat he was absolutely shocked.

“Whatever you’re doing is working, so keep it up,” he said as he scratched his head, seemingly bewildered.


I’m about to reveal the powerful formula that has now kept me Acid Reflux free for the last few years.

And when I say I can eat and drink anything I want again? I really mean it.

I have my life back friend, and you can have yours back, too. You’ll be glad to know that we manage the entire process ourselves, too.

We know all too well that cheap knock-off products simply aren’t effective due to the quality of ingredients inside them. That’s why we strictly monitor the entire process.

Getting rid of your Acid Reflux or GERD for good isn’t a guessing game -- it’s exact.

Acid Reflux 911.

The life-altering herbal supplement concoction formulated to fight Acid Reflux and GERD right at the source. It eliminates the nasty bacteria sending your entire life into tortuous pain.


And because you’ll finally be removing the problem from the source…

Instead of making it worse trying to manage the symptoms, and completely ignoring the severity so your wallet won’t be tapped out by this horrid system…

You can solve it for good. And reclaim life… and if you’re anything like me, you haven’t yet realized how far gone your life really is…

Until it’s yours again.

Listen to these folks who were just like us before starting Acid Reflux 911:

I refused to believe my pal Tom was helped by an online supplement, bless his soul, he purchased a 3 month supply for my birthday… And we made a hefty bet on it’s effectiveness should I take it just like it says, too.

So I thought, well, I don’t have a thing to lose then. I took all of them. Within the first week I noticed a difference. I was sleeping better and my acid burps were going away.

It’s been about 8 months now, and I tell everyone I know about this product because it has changed my life. My only regret is not taking it as soon as Tom had announced it to me.

I lost a whole 4 months of early relief. If you’re on the fence, it’s time to get off and give this a try. It’s the real deal.

I’m so happy I gave this a try! I’m back to eating the foods I miss and I’m not suffering anymore!

I thought those days were over! Thank you so much.

I can’t quite describe the joy I have for the effectiveness of this product. You don’t understand what you’ve lost until you’ve found it again.

Find your health like I did. Gifting and recommending to everyone I know with Acid Reflux or GERD.

Stories like this come in every single day. A lot of the folks haven’t gone a day without antacids in a very long time.

You can expect these same results when you get your own supply of Acid Reflux 911. You will get your life back, just like I have. Just like the thousands of happy customers we have already.

There’s nothing like Acid Reflux 911 simply because the quality of our ingredients are the highest on the market… We make sure of that!

These are just a few of the incredibly potent ingredients inside. Each batch is highly delicate and crafted to get the perfect balance of each ingredient.

The testing that we put Acid Reflux 911 through ensures that it’s the best product on the market to eliminate Acid Reflux and GERD.


Bacillus subtilis

This bacteria has been proven in various studies to help manage disordered intestinal flora. It fights the bad bacteria off and helps reduce small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. It also significantly eases diarrhea. Lastly, this amazing bacteria reduces relapse time, so you're back to normal even faster.


Lactobacillus Rhamnosus

Next, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus eradicates the rate of H. pylori which reduces the severity of acid reflux. At the same time strengthening the good gut bacteria.


Lactobacillus Plantarum

Lactobacillus Plantarum aids in reducing regurgitation and other gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, abdominal pain, and gas-related symptoms like acid burping.

The Regular Price for Acid Reflux 911 is: $120.00 Per Bottle

Which is a complete bargain if you take into consideration that we ONLY use the most pure and cutting edge formulations found anywhere on the globe... Which we then ship to our independent lab & formulate each and every box using the most advanced equipment known to man…

And then these small quantities are shipped directly to your door. Acid Reflux 911 is NOT available in any store…

Here’s another thing… If you tried to get your hands on all the ingredients in a single serving of Acid Reflux 911 separately, you’d pay well over $120...

But since you’ve made the cut into our special VIP Group…


You Won’t Pay $120.00

You Won’t Even Pay $99.95

Not Even $79.95

Nope, you don’t pay any of those prices…

When You Take Action Right Now, You’ll Get Your Hands On A Full Bottle Of Acid Reflux 911 In This Special VIP Offer…

For ONLY $69.95

That is NOT a misprint. That's a savings of over $50 Off the regular price & comes to only $2.33 per pill! It’s the lowest price you’ll find for Acid Reflux 911 anywhere.


Do you think that comfort and relief, improved daily life and enjoying your favorite foods again, better sleep (and keeping your sanity), is worth a couple bucks per day?

Yes, we think it’s totally worth it, too! And You’ll Get All These Benefits For LESS Money? Yes, if you act right away and reserve Four Bottles of Acid Reflux 911, you'll have a spot in our PhytAge Labs Private Test Group...

Which entitles you to our VIP Pricing... ...At only $49.95 Per Bottle!

That's more than ½ OFF… A Savings of over $70 Per Bottle and just $1.66 per pill.

PLUS, as long as supplies last, you'll get free shipping! That's right, shipping will be on us!

Why would I ask for such a drastic price discount for you? The answer is actually simple...

In our pursuit to push the boundaries of our research, we need people to share their real, actual results with us… Specifically, the ever-increasing benefits that begin to start when you’ve been using Acid Reflux 911 for 30 Days or MORE…

As a result of that goal, we’ve instructed the lab to set aside an entire supply of Acid Reflux 911 so that YOU can share with us YOUR success stories...

And our team of scientists will have a growing body of evidence to show the long term properties of this amazing product!

Think About It… For what we’ve shown you, we’re more than justified at pricing Acid Reflux 911 at $120 per bottle. You’d pay a heck of a lot more to visit a doctor to diagnose or treat some of your ailments, right?

In fact, you won’t be surprised to hear that many of our customers told us they would have been happy to pay “pretty much any price” if we could make their agony go away…

But, guess what? Now, for much less than the cost of your daily Starbucks “fix”, you can use the age-defying, life enhancing, bacteria shrinking secret of health conscious ‘people-in-the-know’… The high concentrations of active ingredients found only in Acid Reflux 911.


…What Will You Feel Like 4 to 6 Weeks From Now?

…You’ll FEEL the difference, guaranteed!

You’ll feel RELIEF.

So if you’re ready for a long, restful night’s sleep again…

…interested in eating your favorite foods…

…Finally saying goodbye to that acid burp…

…and experience the relief you haven’t had in years...

Then it’s time to make your choice…

Now that you’ve got all the information, the way I see it, you’ve got two options:

Number 1: You can continue on with exactly what you’re doing now…

You can grit your teeth and endure the frustration of agony…

…struggling through that constant burn…and hope you don’t lose your mind in the process…

But now, there’s another option, too…


A second option that helps eliminate your Acid Reflux issues and can get you back to living a life you deserve… with Acid Reflux 911. It’s just one small, natural pill you take daily with a meal, and then you’re done. It’s as simple as that!

Honestly, you’re going to be amazed… When you start taking Acid Reflux 911 daily – you’re going to soon see, and be convinced, this is a MUST-HAVE formula for frustration-free living!

You know that life is short, and before you know it, four weeks will come and go -- whether you like it or not. But in 4 weeks' time, you could either have melted away all the pain... Plus your physical and mental anguish, plus rejuvenated your overall well-being -- or you could have the same debilitating daily existence that you have today.

So by now, I’m sure you’re primed and ready to experience the health & energy rejuvenating power of Acid Reflux 911... But we’re going to make you a deal you can’t pass up…

You don’t even have to make that decision now... In fact… We’re so totally confident that Acid Reflux 911 is going to help your life get back to the health you had before you started popping bottles of antacids every day...

And it gets better… That we’re going to let you TRY Acid Reflux 911 for a FULL 3 MONTHS (90 days) and if for ANY REASON you’re not fully delighted with the results... Simply contact us for...

A Full Refund…

Try it for yourself and SEE! Guaranteed to work – or you PAY NOTHING!

The truth is, we are so confident this will work for you that we are not only offering a full money-back guarantee ... but we’ll also give you $100 just for giving it an Honest Try! We're pretty certain you'll be happy and smiling from ear to ear once you try it...


I want this decision to be as easy for you as possible, so I’m going to take on all of the risk myself.

Today, you will receive...

Our 90 day, no questions asked, 100% money back guarantee.

When you try Acid Reflux 911 right now… it either works… Or you get all your money back. No questions asked. That’s right..

We’ll send you your supply right now, and if at any time over the next 90 days you decide it’s just not working for you, just contact us for a FULL REFUND… That’s a 100% Money Back Guarantee!

We can’t make this deal much better than that, don’t you agree? Have We Gone Insane?

Maybe we have lost it a little bit, but we want to get our ground-breaking Acid Reflux 911 into as many VIP hands as we can before we run out of inventory... We’re 100% convinced of the power of our formula and we’re willing to stick our necks out there and take ALL the risk…

Have you ever seen anyone else stand behind their offer like this? We believe in this product because it works. Once your digestive system is working properly again… You’ll know why we are able to stand behind our product 100%.

You won’t be in pain, bloated, burpy… You won’t crave your favorite foods and still not be able to indulge without those painful side effects.

You won’t have the dangerous side effects of those ineffective band aid PPIs that only make things worse… And you won’t experience the diarrhea that comes with them.

I’m really excited to hear your story next, you have nothing to lose. And if for whatever reason it shouldn’t work for you, we’ll send every penny back, no questions asked.

Choose your package now and thank you for watching this entire presentation.

I know you’ll do what’s right for you today… And reclaim your life like the thousands of Acid Reflux 911 customers have already. It’s been a pleasure sharing my story with you today. To your health and comfort, cheers.


Order now through our secure and 100% private form.

And order with confidence knowing that every capsule is produced in an FDA-approved facility. We watch the production of our supplement like a hawk.

Which is why we recommend ordering at least 4 bottles… To ensure you’re covered before your next order… When you love the results you get.

Plus, you save a ton of money by choosing our 2 or 4 bottle option.

Don’t forget… If you don’t get results in 90 days… We’ll refund your purchase AND pay you $100. So, choose from one of the options below… And we’ll see you on the other side.